Shouldn’t Cats Be Allowed to Hunt?

<p>IN the spirit of full disclosure, let me say right off that I am a wildlife rehabilitator and conservation educator. My primary focus is on helping and preserving wildlife, meaning&nbsp;<em>native</em>&nbsp;animals. My particular specialty is teaching people about reptiles and amphibians, both of which suffer from the introduction of invasive predators.</p> <p>HOWEVER, a genuine animal lover cares for all animals, and I have certainly rescued my share of felines in my time. In fact, my wife and I have an entire bedroom of our home devoted to rescued cats- space we could certainly use for other purposes. I just want to make clear that I am an animal rescuer and rehabber, and that the inevitable detractors who claim that I &ldquo;wrote this article because I hate cats&rdquo; are being disingenuous, at best.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: hunt Cats