Tag: Boy

The Boy in the Woods

I’m ten years old, playing down in the creek at the base of our driveway. It’s winter 1974, and the woods surrounding the creek are wet from fresh rain. The acidic flux of old oak trees fills the air with a soft vinegar aroma, and the lichens smell earthy and woodsy, like a damp Harri...

The Boy in the Woods

I’m ten years old, playing down in the creek at the base of our driveway. It’s winter 1974, and the woods surrounding the creek are wet from fresh rain. The acidic flux of old oak trees fills the air with a soft vinegar aroma, and the lichens smell earthy and woodsy, like a damp Harri...

A Brief History of 3D Graphics on the Game Boy Advance

For many modern gamers, it’s all too easy to forget the cultural impact Nintendo’s eponymous Game Boy had on not only the gaming industry, but the wider world in general. Nearly 119 million of the late great Gunpei Yokoi’s little handheld wonder were sold. The Game B...

You Can Take the Boy Out of Glasgow...

There’s a street in Glasgow called Otterburn Drive. It’s a road lined with big old sandstone houses built at the start of the last century in the posh bit of Giffnock, a suburb in the south side of the city. The house at number 3 Otterburn Drive has a special place in my family mythology...

6 revealing confessions from a bargain rent boy.

There’s a hundred more tucked under the bed, hidden somewhere in my pants drawer and likely, even stashed away in my tiny shed. They all relate to other shady periods of my life and for now, that’s where they’re staying! I’ll try and be subtle with the facts, in mind of no...

“The Adventures of Pie Boy” and the Road to a Taipei Collaboration

Native Hong Konger and multi-instumentalist, Terrence Hsieh, hasn’t let the shit-storm of 2020 that left him “stranded” in Taipei set him back. Ever the suave musician who never misses a beat, he has managed to balance his time between rehearsals and live gigs (including being the ...

balcony boy.

I LIVE ON the west wing of the Dulkem Tower, on the twenty-sixth floor, and every day that I walk out to my balcony that costs an extra two hundred dollars in rent, I see on the opposite balcony, on the east wing of the tower, a man who loves to sit out there. He is possibly my age, or younger,...

A Little Colored Boy Was Born

One of my favorite writers on this platform announced it was her birthday. She displayed a picture of her birth certificate. It was an impressive birth certificate worthy of framing and displaying. It looked like a high school diploma or college degree. Her birthday certificate had a nice picture...

Boy Meets Boy: My Almost First Time

Polo cologne and menthol cigarettes filled the air like rainbow fog. It permeated every gay club I visited in the eighties and walked beside me whenever I was with my gay brother or any one of the tiny handful of boys I had crushes on back then. Those were the years of Patrick Nagel prints, glass...

America’s Bad Boy Syndrome

Some young ladies prefer bad boys. Don’t ask me why. You’d have to ask their shrinks. But somehow, the bad boy draws them in, with his bad boy attitude, and his bad boy way of talkin. Somewhere deep down the ladies probably know that sooner or later they’ll end up getting hurt. The...

Oh boy, Texas is at it again!

It seems like every other day, there is some new drama brewing in the Lone Star State. And this time, it's all about a standoff with the feds in Eagle Pass that's igniting calls for secession and fears of violence. Yes, you heard that right – secession! Apparently, some Texans are so f...

Act like or be a “bad boy”

Most girls in their 20s and even 30s have some masculine ideal. This idea is anything but healthy. They want the sociopath or the aggressive jerk or whatever is considered a good representation of masculinity nowadays. The definition of a “good masculine sexual partner” is more of wha...

Beautiful Boy — The Crushing Weight of Great Expectations

When addiction is depicted in the arts, it’s often accompanied by an unstable home environment, bullying, abuse, or just simply an insufficiency of love. I say simply, though it most certainly isn’t. So many tender souls are lost in the absence of much deserved, much ...