Oh boy, Texas is at it again!

<p>It seems like every other day, there is some new drama brewing in the Lone Star State. And this time, it&#39;s all about a standoff with the feds in Eagle Pass that&#39;s igniting calls for secession and fears of violence. Yes, you heard that right &ndash; secession! Apparently, some Texans are so fed up with the federal government that they want to pack their bags and say goodbye to the good old USA.</p> <p>Leading the charge is a man named Daniel Miller, who has been championing Texas&#39; independence for decades. He&#39;s convinced that the state is being strangled by the feds and the only way to truly secure the border is to become an independent and self-governing nation. Talk about taking &quot;everything is bigger in Texas&quot; to a whole new level!</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@MaeBolf43/oh-boy-texas-is-at-it-again-33b5b9445b4c"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Boy Texas