“The Adventures of Pie Boy” and the Road to a Taipei Collaboration

<p>Native Hong Konger and multi-instumentalist, Terrence Hsieh, hasn&rsquo;t let the shit-storm of 2020 that left him &ldquo;stranded&rdquo; in Taipei set him back. Ever the suave musician who never misses a beat, he has managed to balance his time between rehearsals and live gigs (including being the musical accompaniment for Taipei&rsquo;s very own Formosa Improv Group FIG), all while accomplishing quite a bit of recording from his one room studio. In between the gigs and performances, Terry and &ldquo;The Spice Band&rdquo; have also managed to put together a wonderful collection of songs on their new album, &ldquo;The Adventures of Pie Boy.&rdquo; Below is a slice of Terry&rsquo;s life in post COVID-19 Taipei, as well as a little bit of background story of how the new album came to be as revealed by Terry, all mixed in with an imagined narrative of Pie Boy&rsquo;s life from infant to adulthood, as created by yours truly.</p> <p><a href="https://jeffreyschwab-30696.medium.com/the-adventures-of-pie-boy-and-the-road-to-a-taipei-collaboration-4b79b3933611"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Pie Boy