A Little Colored Boy Was Born

<p>One of my favorite writers on this platform announced it was her birthday. She displayed a picture of her birth certificate. It was an impressive birth certificate worthy of framing and displaying. It looked like a high school diploma or college degree.</p> <p>Her birthday certificate had a nice picture of the Detroit, Michigan hospital where she was born. The fonts on the document were regal. It contained all the vital information in cursive lettering. The date she was born, the day, the time, and even an official gold seal of approval with the words&nbsp;<em>whereunto affixed</em>. I had never seen a birth certificate that left me envious. This one did.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/contemplate/a-little-colored-boy-was-born-4220fdd27b9c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Colored Boy