Tag: Boring

If You Want to Learn Statistics, Without Boring, Read This

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the complexities of Statistics as an aspiring Data Scientist? Have you ever wished there was a formula to make learning not just easier, but also enjoyable? In truth, this formula can be applied to any concept you’re struggling with, not just Statistic...

How Two Boring Sentences Helped Me Stop Feeling Lost

The lady across from me looked up from the forms in her hand and peeked over the half-moon glasses that throned on her pointy nose. I stared at her like a deer caught in headlights, petrified. After an awkward silence, she allowed herself to proceed. “You seem a little…” Oh ...

Why Boring Technologies Are Exciting

There’s a cacophony of noise around Artificial Intelligence (AI), crypto, Web3, the metaverse, genetic engineering, DNA technologies. All clamouring to be seen as the one that will change the world and usher in a new age of utopia. Thing is, the hyped technologies only really become interestin...

Disney’s Problem Is Quite Simple — They Became Boring.

Kids just don’t care about comic books anymore. “What’s the mouse doing there? Oh, I saw him in my grandpa’s old magazines.” You might be thinking, “Who cares about magazines? I didn’t read magazines, but I’m a Disney fan.” Comics a...

Is Your Life Boring?

My life is boring. At least, that’s what people tell me. And I don’t blame them because I’m an introvert who prefers to be alone most of the time. I don’t have 20–30 friends to talk about things friends talk about. I mean, I’m not particularly eager to be fr...

Hey I was there for 30 minutes, it was pretty boring . . . so I left

Finding a job in Dubai, was a full time job. I don’t expect job offers to drop from the sky, but comparing job hunting in London to Dubai, there is only one winner. The level of engagement and the rapport I tried to build with recruiters outside of London was extremely difficult. The usual ...

Amsterdam is boring. That’s why I love Amsterdam

Indeed, it is a boring city for sure, if you ever lived in another place on the planet, nonetheless that’s also cool to be boring. Why is Amsterdam boring? Human relationships are very different — people tend to be colder, not-friendly and their concept of being friendly is...

My [Really] Boring Cousin Became a Millionaire at 37. Here’s What I Learned.

Is that a lot of money? I think the answer is yes. That is… if you start from $0. My cousin, Yan, started from [absolutely] nothing. She was born into a financially humble family. Her parents work in a 9–6, earning less than $5,000 per person monthly. Now, that is not a lo...

The Boring Money Move That Can Save Your Mental Health

If you’ve ever read a book on personal finance, then you’ve likely been told that having an emergency fund of cash set aside is the most important financial goal when you begin managing money. Typically, you hear arguments focusing on the financial benefits of an emergency fund. In...

My [Really] Boring Cousin Became a Millionaire at 37. Here’s What I Learned.

Is that a lot of money? I think the answer is yes. That is… if you start from $0. My cousin, Yan, started from [absolutely] nothing. She was born into a financially humble family. Her parents work in a 9–6, earning less than $5,000 per person monthly. Now, that is not a lo...

The Book of Life Is Long and Boring

Jewish people, while culturally known for being big on guilt, don’t have religious mechanisms for airing their dirty deeds. Catholics have weekly confessions, where a hushed word through a phone booth with a Father Figure and a few Hail Marys make things all better. Jews need to bottle it u...