The Book of Life Is Long and Boring

<p>Jewish people, while culturally known for being big on guilt, don&rsquo;t have religious mechanisms for airing their dirty deeds. Catholics have weekly confessions, where a hushed word through a phone booth with a Father Figure and a few Hail Marys make things all better.</p> <p>Jews need to bottle it up till the High Holy Days, starting with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and ending ten days later with Yom Kippur.</p> <p>The Day of Atonement.</p> <p>As my decades-old Jewish education recalls, on Rosh Hashanah the Book of Life opens for the coming year. Said book remains opened for ten days, and during that time we&rsquo;re meant to reflect on (and atone for) our transgressions of the previous year. Then after ten days it&rsquo;s Yom Kipper, and if you didn&rsquo;t atone adequately then&nbsp;<em>BAM</em>, the book slams shut, and it sucks to be you.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Long Boring