Tag: Become

Fake It 'til You Make It! How To Act Confident and Become Confident

It’s entirely possible to overcome shyness and become way more self-assured. Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash If you are prepared, you will be confident and will do the job. — Tom Landry I’m going to let you in on a secret. Even the most self-as...

How to Grow Up to Become Like a Child

When I grow up, I want to be just like my 7-year-old daughter. She’s happy, full of joy and wonder, and she sees the world as a place filled with infinite possibilities. As I watch her play every day and explore the world around her without a care, I’m reminded of my childhood, when e...

3 reasons why you may not become a CXO

Are you a Leader aspiring to be a CXO? then this article is for you. Congratulations on reaching where you are in your journey. You are now poised to take that leap into the executive level but as you may know, a corporate career is like a pyramid and it keeps getting narrower as you move up. If ...

Keeping Your Workforce Happy Is Hard. Don’t Underestimate What Happens When You Become A Boss.

It won’t be long before my self-run business needs staff. And I’m losing sleep about one thing; happiness. Theirs, not mine. I know how I can make myself happy. But when you’re a boss, in charge of people, the deciding factor whether people work for you or not, happiness is i...

Why Did Everything Become an RPG?

RPG design at its very core is about abstracted or avatar-based progression. What the player is actively doing — clicking, pushing buttons, APM, is not what determines who wins or loses, but the choices and decision-making that they do. When you play a game like XCOM or Darkest ...

We Should All Become Republicans

There are times when your country demands a sacrifice so great, it will shape the rest of your life. Sometimes, it’s war. Sometimes, it’s jury duty. But now your country is asking you to do something much more horrifying. You need to register as a Republican. Even if you’ve v...