Keeping Your Workforce Happy Is Hard. Don’t Underestimate What Happens When You Become A Boss.

<p>It won&rsquo;t be long before my self-run business needs staff. And I&rsquo;m losing sleep about one thing; happiness.</p> <p><em>Theirs</em>, not mine.</p> <p>I know how I can make myself happy. But when you&rsquo;re a boss, in charge of people, the deciding factor whether people work for you or not, happiness is in your hands.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ll admit I&rsquo;ve left jobs because I hated the boss. Well, hate is a strong word. It was more like the boss didn&rsquo;t care about me or what I had to say. And that didn&rsquo;t exactly leave me happy at the end of the day.</p> <p>Knowing full well I could easily leave a well-paying job because of one person, a staff member working for me could too. It means I have to get it right. I can&rsquo;t make an employee unhappy to the brink of quitting.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Become Boss