Tag: avatar

Buddha was NOT an avatar of Vishnu

If Harry Truman were alive today, he would modify his statement “if you cannot convince them, confuse them” with a new premise “if you cannot convince them, fake yourself”. The latter one is very much in sync with today’s epoch, especially when it comes to dea...

Buddha was NOT an avatar of Vishnu

If Harry Truman were alive today, he would modify his statement “if you cannot convince them, confuse them” with a new premise “if you cannot convince them, fake yourself”. The latter one is very much in sync with today’s epoch, especially when it comes to dea...

Was Jesus a Hindu avatar?

Although it should be mentioned that this is not the only definition and therefore should be discerned carefully as to not lump every school of Dharmic thought together. For example in certain traditions, these incarnations can also be viewed as an illusion, but more on that later on. Sketching a br...

The Silent Conversation of Diversity

I believe our outer shell is our Earthly avatar. When we’re born, we are born with innocent eyes. We do not see the colour of people or their genders or their weird hairstyles. We just see our friends. As we grow older, we are taught to be judgemental, to be biased, even if you don’t ...