Tag: Application

How To Build, Sign And Publish Android Application Using Github Actions

The main goal of this article is to provide a complete implementation of a Github Workflow capable of securely building, signing, and publishing Android apps. Follow these steps to create the Github Workflow: 1. Generate a new signing keystore 2. Add the following secret...

A Simple View Of ViewModels

While building applications, many of you developers have probably encountered the problem of losing your application’s data when you rotate your device. Ever wondered why that happens? Well, it’s because your activity is recreated when there is a configuration change, And when your activ...

Create an application CoroutineScope using Hilt

In this article, you’ll learn how to create an application-scoped CoroutineScope using Hilt, and how to inject it as a dependency. To further improve the way we work with Coroutines, we’ll see how to inject the different CoroutineDispatchers and replace their implementatio...

A Front-End Application Folder Structure that Makes Sense

One of the most critical and challenging aspects of a large-scale application is a good and reasonable folder structure. Before considering breaking the codebase into multiple applications using micro frontends there are some steps that can be followed to improve the architecture at a project level ...

RAG vs Finetuning — Which Is the Best Tool to Boost Your LLM Application?

As the wave of interest in Large Language Models (LLMs) surges, many developers and organisations are busy building applications harnessing their power. However, when the pre-trained LLMs out of the box don’t perform as expected or hoped, the question on how to improve the performance of the L...

Making a Whiteboard Application with ReactJs

A light drawing web application using HTML5 Canvas API and Roughjs This is a good project for beginners who want to use React and its hooks and API reference functionality. The challenge here is to use the canvas API in React instead of vanilla JavaScript and HTML. Let’s start ...

The Sound of an Application

Sound is taken for granted by many, but without it your application could be subpar! It really doesn't matter if you are making a game, or a simple application. Sound is a major part that can make or break how your audience interacts with your program. Sound can make a good game great; it can...

Metaverse Application Development: Navigating the Virtual Frontier

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the Metaverse stands out as a transformative concept, reshaping how we interact with digital environments. From its humble beginnings to the present, Metaverse Application Development has become a crucial aspect of technological innovation, bringing...

Deploying a Node.js Application on AWS

Synopsis In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the steps to deploy a Node.js application on the AWS cloud. Along the way, I’d demonstrate how to leverage Termius, a versatile SSH platform that works on both mobile and desktop. Additionally, I’ll guide you on how to communicat...

Build a three-tier web application using Terraform.

From the beginning, we’ll look at how to use Terraform to automate the provisioning of a 3-tier architecture for a web app on AWS. What is Terraform? Through the use of configuration files rather than a graphical user interface, Terraform is an infrastructure-as-code (IaC) solution t...

Video in your Web Application

Gone are the days when our web applications were limited to text content, enriched by some colors and fonts. Today’s websites must include rich video and audio content — in order to appeal to the modern user — within a couple of seconds. YouTube can provide you all the video str...

Building a 3-tier web application architecture with AWS

When building a cloud-based application, the underlying architecture and environment are just as critical as the application itself. There are many considerations when deciding on the proper architecture of your app: Scalability: How easily and/or frequently does the app need to scale up ...

DevOps (Lab-1)-Installing Apache Maven and deploying a Java application

Hi everyone. Alongside the current bootcamp I am assisting, I decided to follow along some other projects with the intention of gaining hands on experience on DevOps related tools and applications. The DevOps series I will be following can be found here: YouTube About Maven: Maven is c...

Preparation, Docker Image Push and Deployment for Containerized Voting Application in Kubernetes Cluster using Docker, Azure Container Registry (ACR) and Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

This is another project based on a real-world scenario, where I had to act as a DevOps Engineer, and show a new team member how to deploy an application on a Kubernetes cluster. This cluster is part of The Cloud Bootcamp project, and I prepared this new team member to deploy the voting applicatio...

Deploying a Django Application with Docker, Nginx, and Certbot

Deploying a Django application with Docker, Nginx, and Certbot is a robust and secure way to make your application available on the internet. Docker ensures containerization, Nginx acts as a reverse proxy for your Django app, and Certbot provides SSL certificates for secure connections. In this guid...

Using JLink to create smaller Docker images for your Spring Boot Java application

Containers bring new flexibility and agility to software development and deployment. However, they also introduce a new attack surface that malicious actors can exploit. A compromised container can give an attacker access to other containers and even the host system. Smaller images that contain fewe...

Why Docker Matters: A Guide to Dockerizing a Spring Application

In modern software development, ensuring your application runs smoothly everywhere is a big concern. This is where Docker comes in. Docker containers reduce deployment time significantly due to their lightweight nature and rapid boot times. Containers can be shared among team members and m...

How to dockerize your Flask application

Introduction: The objective of this post is to dockerise a minimalistic flask application. Let’s take an example of a simple flask program and dockerise it. A Simple Flask Application: The below code is a bare minimum flask application with a single end point /hello. Let’s ...

How to Achieve Zero-Downtime Application with Kubernetes

I’ve worked on on-premised and managed Kubernetes clusters for more than seven years. What I can say is that containers have drastically changed the hosting landscape! It has brought a lot of facilities where complex setups were required. Having several instances, with rolling restart, zero...

Deploying a Lambda Function from the AWS Serverless Application Repository

The AWS Serverless Application Repository is a useful resource that contains pre-built configurable applications for some common tasks/usage patterns to make our lives a bit easier. In this example I needed to use the Athena Dynamo DB Connector that adds support to Athena for querying and ...

Part 8— HumanGov Application — Terraform-6: Terraform Remote State

HumanGov is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) cloud company that will create a Human Resources Management SaaS application for the Department of Education across all 50 states in the US and host the application files and databases in the cloud. In this following project series, we are going to trans...

Start your first iOS Application Pentest with me.. (Part- 1)

Hope y’all doing good. So today we are going to prepare a jailbroken iOS device to start an iOS pentesting. This article won’t be covering the complete methodologies, Will be sliced into two parts. Only the following things will be covered today. 1: Installing the required tools and C...

Admob Banner Ad in SwiftUI application

It’s pretty easy to show ads in your iOS app using Admob and generate smart revenue. If you are new to iOS, you may find it complicated. To show ads, you have to include Admob SDK first. In SwiftUI application, it’s one click away! Setup Add Admob SDK to SwiftUI application usin...

Create Build Flavor in Flutter Application (iOS & Android)

When developing a Flutter app, you may want to share it with internal testers in a development environment, using a version of the app with a backend configured for development rather than production. This version of the app is called the dev variant. When you’re ready to release the app pu...

Two Steps To Turn A Python Script Into A macOS Application Installer

Recently, I built a metronome software using Python. I can’t wait to share it with my friends. However, I realized a troublesome fact: this software can’t run on other computers unless Python is installed. Obviously, this kind of thing is not acceptable. I need an elegant way like drag-a...

Installing Amazon Web Service’s Cloud Development Kit (CDK) on MacOS and Creating your first Python Application

In this article, you will learn how to install AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) onto a MacOS machine. After installing AWS CDK, you will then create your first app, deploy it, and destroy it. Background As I stand on the threshold of my impending graduation, I find myself drawn to the v...

Bits & Bytes — Apple Silicon versus Intel: Application Memory Usage Shootout

Since the launch of Apple Silicon, it has been claimed that Apple’s System on a Chip (SOC), in combination with macOS, handles RAM more efficiently than Intel’s CPUs. According to several reports in the press, Apple’s MacBook is said to be capable of operating much more efficiently...

Cut the crap — complete a YC application

GUEST ENTRY: This week, we asked Danish startup Duuoo to share some insights from startup life. During their short lifetime, Duuoo has learned a simple lesson: Cut the crap. Write a Y Combinator application. My name is Aimee and I’m one of the co-founders of Duuoo. We launched th...

Getting into high school in New York City part 2

Remember my post here about the different pathways to high school in New York City? The application cycle in the Big Apple is now live and active! For 2022–23, 8th grade students in New York City have been divided into screened admission groups or tiers according to thei...

Here are my law school application materials

One thing before I begin — a few resources I want to recommend. The first, the Law School Admissions subreddit, is a wonderful resource for learning about applying to law school and an incredibly positive internet community overall. Heavy recommend. Another resource, LawSchoolNumbers...

What is the Sexiest Application in Legal Technology NOT Using GenAI?

Been around the block a couple of times so we have a little bit of an idea when something is cool in the digital domain. The decades of work in the Digital Health market provide a little bit of insight into the Legal Technology space and the future. There are significant friction points in the Le...

Will AI Replace Lawyers? Research on the Application of LLMs in the Legal Field

Recently, there has been a shift in investment focus in the primary market from the field of LLMs to the application layer of large language models. There is a growing focus on how to effectively integrate large language models into practical scenarios. In various applications, we see great potentia...

Ontario published the OINP application processing times for 2024

The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) works with the Canadian government through Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Foreign workers, international students, and others with the necessary skills, experience, and education can apply to the OINP for a nomination. The OINP r...

SINP Application Processing Times 2024 updated

On January 12, 2024, SINP Application Processing Times 2024 was updated for various streams of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). The processing time is updated quarterly (every three months). It indicates the average time it took to process an application in that quarter. Time is me...

UI/UX Portfolio: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Application

Hi, my name is Fajar Shidiq Ramadhani. I am a software engineering graduate. In the last two years, I worked as a UI/UX designer at a state-owned pharmaceutical company in Indonesia. OVERVIEW I have been working for this company for nearly 5 years, a pharmaceutical company that is responsible ...

Case study: Skincare application

Have you ever felt confused about which skincare product would be most suitable for your skin type? Ever had any doubts with regard to your skin type? If yes, continue reading as I try to uncover the solution for it. Meet Lumi, an advanced AI Skincare app providing personalized product recommenda...