The Sound of an Application

<p>Sound is taken for granted by many, but without it your application could be subpar!</p> <p>It really doesn&#39;t matter if you are making a game, or a simple application. Sound is a major part that can make or break how your audience interacts with your program. Sound can make a good game great; it can make the horror happen or make your heart pound with excitement!</p> <p>Sounds have been in video games from the 1970s including on such systems as the Atari in 1977, Odyssey2 in 1978, and Pong in 1972. Before this you had a lot of silence with the earlier attempts at games. As video games became mainstream so did the quality of the sounds and even music for ambience and mood. It is hard to image a game without the art of acoustics.</p> <p>Sounds were bottlenecked with the lack of memory and subpar hardware at the infancy of the gaming industry. At these times you where lucky to get your beeps, boops and bops in. As gaming became mainstream and hardware increased so did the complexity of the sounds and addition of music. This increased the players interactions and immersion into the world that was created by the developer.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>