Video in your Web Application

<p>Gone are the days when our web applications were limited to text content, enriched by some colors and fonts. Today&rsquo;s websites must include rich video and audio content &mdash; in order to appeal to the modern user &mdash; within a couple of seconds.</p> <p>YouTube can provide you all the video streaming solutions you need &mdash; at a minimal cost and extreme scale. However, techies like to make things on their own &mdash; for the fun &mdash; to learn and understand the technology that goes into building such applications. If you are one of them, do come along as we dig into the core concepts and nitty-gritties of what goes into displaying video on a website.</p> <p>Foremost, we need to host our web application on some backend. And what is better than AWS S3/CloudFront for hosting static content? All the examples below will use the same.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>