Tag: APIs

Through the Ages: Apple Animation APIs

I recently stumbled upon John Siracusa’s legendary Mac OS X reviews for the first time. If you’re not in the loop, these were astonishingly detailed technical reviews of Apple’s major Mac OS X releases between 1999 and 2014. According to Ars Technica, where these were publi...

10 Killer AI APIs to Automate Your Daily Problems

Automate your daily tasks and solve problems with AI power. In today's world, bots can create Beautiful Images, and music, edit your photos, remove noise from audio, and much more with just a few lines of code. In this article, I will present 10 Killer AI APIs for the Automation of Your Dai...

Implementing Dapr State Management in ASP.NET Core Web APIs

In distributed architectures, we’ll usually have a number of independent stateless services that serve a purpose (set around a domain, such as ordering items, storing items in a catalog, handling authentication etc.) While services should strive to be stateless, there will be some services ...

Custom Memory for ChatGPT API

If you have ever used the OpenAI API, I am sure you have noticed the catch. Got it? Right! Every time you call the ChatGPT API, the model has no memory of the previous requests you have made. In other words: each API call is a standalone interaction. And that is definitely annoyin...

Writing Swift-friendly Kotlin Multiplatform APIs — Part V: Exceptions

The machine has just dispensed your expresso. You grab your cup, and, suddenly you notice a Macbook Pro with a Swift-logo sticker rushing in your direction. An angry face emerges from behind the laptop: “It’s crashing!”. Your iOS teammate turns the screen at you, pointing to somet...

Backstage — Publicize and Share Your APIs.

Developers often spend a lot of time designing and building well formed APIs. They function as advertised and follow industry standards and get deployed to production. But what good is this if their use is documented in a short wiki page or a word document that is not maintained. This is like a car ...

7 Free Public APIs you will love as a developer

JSON Placeholder is a service that provides you with fake online REST APIs for testing and prototyping. This is a go-to API for every developer. Link: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/ 2. Google Translate Google has a plethora of APIs, bu...

Mastering WebSockets With Go

If we think about it, regular HTTP APIs are dumb, like, really dumb. We can fetch data by sending a request for the data. If we have to keep data fresh on a website, we will have to continuously request the data, so-called Polling. All Images in this article is made by Percy Bolmér. Goph...

Building Web Applications with Django and FastAPI: Combining the Best of Both Worlds

In python ecosystem there are multiple frameworks available for making a robust backend. Django and FastAPI are the most popular ones. Django comes with many out-of-the-box features such as ORM, Middleware, Authentication, Admin Panel etc. FastAPI on the other hand comes with Async-ready support and...

gRPC vs REST: Comparing API Styles in Practice

In this article, we’ll explore APIs created using both the REST architecture and a fairly new player called gRPC. Our goal is to understand how to use these architectural styles to build APIs. What is REST? In 2000, Roy Fielding wrote his dissertation and introduced the world to an archi...

Powering our APIs using attr active DTOs

Helping lay the groundwork for our new company-wide API was exhilarating. In early 2022, I was on the team that developed a proof of concept and established standards for our new APIs. Fast forward to today and you’ll find over 150 endpoints spanning 12 product areas processing millions o...

How To Deprecate APIs The Right Way

The only certainty in software development is that requirements change. How many times has this happened to you? You start a project, develop an app to satisfy the requirements, release it, and everyone is happy. The product manager comes back and asks to add a new feature. Suddenly, you have to ...

The ChatGPT list of lists: A collection of 3000+ prompts, examples, use-cases, tools, APIs…

Oh, ChatGPT! Not even one year on the market and a not so tiny ecosystem has developed all on its own, with lists of prompts, tips, APIs, use cases, extensions, success stories and failures. ChatGPT is the first true foundation model for the mass-market. Some of the posts, blogs, and articles dealin...

Are APIs at the center of the IT world

APIs, or application programming interfaces, are essential building blocks of modern software development. APIs allow different software applications to communicate with each other, enabling developers to build complex systems that can integrate with third-party services and data sources. In this ar...

Implementing Dapr State Management in ASP.NET Core Web APIs

In distributed architectures, we’ll usually have a number of independent stateless services that serve a purpose (set around a domain, such as ordering items, storing items in a catalog, handling authentication etc.) While services should strive to be stateless, there will be some services ...

How To Deprecate APIs the Right Way

The only certainty in software development is that requirements change. How many times has this happened to you? You start a project, develop an app to satisfy the requirements, release it, and everyone is happy. The product manager comes back and asks to add a new feature. Suddenly, you have to ...