Implementing Dapr State Management in ASP.NET Core Web APIs

<p>In distributed architectures, we&rsquo;ll usually have a number of independent stateless services that serve a purpose (set around a domain, such as ordering items, storing items in a catalog, handling authentication etc.)</p> <p>While services should strive to be stateless, there will be some services that need to track state in order to fufil a business operation or function. Dapr has a state management build block that simplifies state tracking and enables you to store state across a variety of data stores.</p> <p>In this article, we&rsquo;ll discuss what State Management is in Dapr, and how we can implement it in an .NET ASP.NET Core Web API. We&rsquo;ll then configure our state management component and test our API to see how it works in action.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: web APIs