10 Killer AI APIs to Automate Your Daily Problems

<p>Automate your daily tasks and solve problems with AI power. In today&#39;s world, bots can create Beautiful Images, and music, edit your photos, remove noise from audio, and much more with just a few lines of code. In this article, I will present&nbsp;<strong>10 Killer AI APIs for the Automation of Your Daily Problems.</strong>&nbsp;So bookmark this article and if you enjoy don&#39;t forget to clap.</p> <h1>&nbsp;AI Art Generator</h1> <p>Convert your&nbsp;<strong>creative ideas into reality</strong>&nbsp;using this awesome AI tool Api which will convert your Text into beautiful Art. Yup, this is an AI to generate images with your text.<strong>&nbsp;Getimg.ai&nbsp;</strong>provide you with&nbsp;<strong>100 credits / per month for free</strong>&nbsp;which you can use to generate beautiful images with the below code.</p> <p><strong><em>Get Your API here</em></strong></p> <pre> # AI Art Generator # pip install requestsimport requests import json import base64api_key = &quot;Your API Key&quot; api_url = &quot;https://api.getimg.ai/v1/stable-diffusion/text-to-image&quot;prompt = &quot;a photo of cat eating a pizza&quot;headers = { &quot;Authorization&quot;: f&quot;Bearer {api_key}&quot;, &quot;Content-Type&quot;: &quot;application/json&quot;, } data = { &quot;prompt&quot;: prompt, }response = requests.post(api_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) image_data= response.json()with open(&quot;image.png&quot;, &quot;wb&quot;) as f: f.write(base64.decodebytes(image_data[&quot;image&quot;].encode()))print(&quot;Art saved&quot;)</pre> <h1>&nbsp;AI Grammer Checker</h1> <p>Fix your Grammatical Errors in your Text or document using this AI Grammer checker API. Which uses<strong>&nbsp;AI21&nbsp;</strong>which&nbsp;<strong>AI technology</strong>&nbsp;can fix your text<strong>&nbsp;grammar errors</strong>, and&nbsp;<strong>punctuation</strong>&nbsp;and even improve it. Get started by getting your<strong>&nbsp;free API key</strong>&nbsp;and using the below code.</p> <p><a href="https://python.plainenglish.io/10-killer-ai-apis-to-automate-your-daily-problems-517ecf4fce77">Click Here</a></p>