The ChatGPT list of lists: A collection of 3000+ prompts, examples, use-cases, tools, APIs…

<p>Oh, ChatGPT! Not even one year on the market and a not so tiny ecosystem has developed all on its own, with lists of prompts, tips, APIs, use cases, extensions, success stories and failures. ChatGPT is the first true foundation model for the mass-market. Some of the posts, blogs, and articles dealing with this new phenomenom, well, really don&rsquo;t deserve any attention. Like &ldquo;The 10 Best Side Hustles with ChatGPT that Can Earn You $4,000 a Week.&rdquo; But some of them are genuinely interesting. I&rsquo;ll try to give you an overview on the more exciting applications.</p> <p>The launch of ChatGPT marks&nbsp;<strong>the iPhone moment for AI</strong>. 1m users in just 5 days. But it did not stop here &mdash; it is now one of the fastest growing applications ever, even compared with the most successful apps and platforms on the internet.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Here is a breakdown of the&nbsp;<strong>lists, prompts-collections, resources, articles&nbsp;</strong>referenced in this this story:</p> <p>30x: Intro to ChatGPT and foundation models<br /> 70x: Free Prompt Engineering Courses, Masterclasses &amp; Ressources<br /> 500+: Marketing Content Creation<br /> 50x: AI Art Prompts<br /> 16x: Music<br /> 1,500+: Business &mdash; from accounting to zoology<br /> 280+: Coding<br /> 100x: Development tools, Extensions<br /> 30x: Autonomous AI Agents built on top of ChatGPT<br /> 1,000x: Funny, amazing, interesting<br /> 20+: Passing exams<br /> 50+: Jailbreaking<br /> 50x: ChatGPT is a fail<br /> 100x: Superintelligence will kill us all</p> <p>The ChatGPT ecosystem&nbsp;<strong>is moving very fast&nbsp;</strong>&mdash; if you know or even maintain a list of ChatGPT prompts or resources please&nbsp;<strong>drop me a note</strong>&nbsp;(respond to this article, send me the link and what it is about).</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>