Tag: Americans

Why Americans Are Obsessed With Huge Cars (It Isn’t Toxic Masculinity)

A deep, authoritative voice booms, “In a world where adventure begins where the road ends…you need options.” A truck barrels through a dirt road. Its all-terrain tires grip the ground and splash the mud away. Cut to a shot of the truck’s bold grille and muscular lines. Cu...

The Global Default: Do Americans Have a Culture?

Hallyu, is a term that refers to the growing global popularity of South Korean entertainment and pop-culture. Once viewed as second rate in comparison to American and Japanese entertainment, South Korean music, television, movies, brand names and fashion has won millions of new fans across the world...

Why So Many Black Americans Are Stuck in Survival Mode

Ifyou've ever lived in survival mode, you know what it's like to try to juggle competing interests, to wonder whether you have enough food to last until payday, whether you can afford utility bills, or even make your rent or monthly mortgage payments. As one report shows, more than half...

The First Enslaved Africans in America

The first Black people brought to America by Europeans were slaves and at least one free man on ships, part of Ponce de Leon's expedition in 1513. The free man, Juan Garrido, was a former slave who'd received his freedom while in Spain. Garrido became a Spanish conquistador and lat...

What Should Americans Pay to Address Climate Change?

A little while back Adam Tooze, the indefatigable economist, wrote in his newsletter about the economics of climate change. He discussed a study that put a firm dollar figure on tackling the planetary environmental crisis: If you ask the question — what would it take to put the ...

Why So Many Black Americans Are Stuck in Survival Mode

Ifyou've ever lived in survival mode, you know what it's like to try to juggle competing interests, to wonder whether you have enough food to last until payday, whether you can afford utility bills, or even make your rent or monthly mortgage payments. As one report shows, more than half...

Americans are Celebrating the End of the World

It’s no secret that things are tough out here. The rent is too damn high, but mortgages are higher. Food is expensive, and good, healthy food is out of reach. Schools are a disaster, and having kids will financially break you. Jobs are available, but y...

How Many Americans Retire Wealthy? Is It Really Big Money?

As I approach my own “work optional” phase of life, I’m thinking more and more about what our retirement budget might look like. More importantly, I’m looking at the (very large) investable net worth that would take. And no, I’m not gonna spill the beans about our...

LGBTQ+ Americans feel they are just getting by in retirement and face greater financial risks

While preparing for retirement can be difficult for anyone, LGBTQ+ Americans face unique challenges that can cast a shadow over their golden years. For example, LGBTQ+ people over age 60 leave the workforce sooner, are less likely to believe that their retirement savings are on track and struggle mo...

The 8 best Retirement Strategies

Retirement is the №1 financial goal of most working Americans. But for many people, this goal is seemingly based more on aspiration than actual action. According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, an estimated 50% of those who retire at the age 65 will be unable to maintai...

How Some Slave Owners Received Reparations, But Not Black Americans

January 1st is the anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln signing the Emancipation Proclamation, an executive order declaring "that all persons held as slaves" within rebellious areas "are, and henceforward shall be free." However, fewer people know that Lincoln ...

Why (Some) Asian-Americans Hate Cultural Appropriation

Cultural appropriation refers to the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the cultural practices of one people by members of another, usually, more dominant people. Though the term has existed since the 1940s it remained relatively obscure until the late 2000s when it slowly began to gain mai...


I, a Muslim American myself, also have a dream. Based on my personal and professional experiences of living in the United States, I have come across many people who hold the belief that Islam is an intolerant religion and believe in various negative stereotypes about people who look like me. Accordi...

The Nightmare That Is “The American Dream™” for Survivors

The visionaries who laid the foundation for American democracy, including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams, envisioned a republic rooted in justice, liberty, and the defense of its people’s rights, including those of traf...

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: Black Americans in Tech

Introduction: Imagine a tech world as diverse as the society it serves. Today, we’re far from this vision. Black Americans, comprising 13% of the U.S. workforce, hold just 4% of tech roles​​. This disparity highlights the critical need for increased participation of Black Americans in t...

This Supreme Court Will Negatively Affect Americans for Years to Come

After thirty-five years of litigating monster lawsuits and closing bizarre international money deals, I feel qualified to judge the Supremes and I find this Court appalling. I never appeared before that formerly esteemed body, but one of my cases did back in the late ‘90’s. That&...

Chinese Americans Were Banned From Testifying in Court Before This Murder Case

Before I dive into the heart of the matter, let me provide a little context. It was the 19th century, an era marked by intense economic growth, westward expansion, and, regrettably, a fair share of discrimination. In 1854, the California legislature passed a law that declared people of Chine...

American Indigenous Communities: Struggles In Healthcare Access

There are over 5.2 million American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States. These indigenous communities make up roughly 2% of the total population, with 14 different states holding more than 100,000 residents with this background. That is a significant population considering t...

Culture is Vital for Survival: Learning from Native Americans

Ona late morning of March 9, I sat on an airplane at the Los Angeles International Airport, waiting for takeoff. Thoughts fired off in my brain. This is it. It’s finally happening. Everything I learned in class, readings, research, and friendship will be tested at my final destination. No...

The Greatest Americans

Thank you Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. You set the stage. And Americans of African ancestry, mixed with the Natives and the Europeans, made it a great one. Frederick Douglas. Paul Robeson. Martin Luther King Jr., Louis Armstrong. Jimi Hendrix, John Col...

Why Asian American’s Have Higher Levels Of Educational Attainment Than African American’s (It’s not racism)

Back in 2013, I received a position as teachers aide for a Professor that taught at risk students effective study skills. The class was called, Study Skills-101 or something like that. Part of my duties as the teachers aide was to hang around her office during office hours in case anyone wante...

Japanese Americans In Hawaii Were Treated Unjustly During World War II

There were some Japanese Americans in Hawaii who did lose their homes. A new documentary film called “Removed By Force: The Eviction of Hawaii’s Japanese Americans During WWII” tells about this part of history. The documentary covers the story of people of Japanese des...

Korean? American? Korean-American? What Am I?

I recently came back from a trip to Korea. Recently, as in a few days ago. The first time I ever went to the motherland was to see family at the age of 5. I met relatives that I only knew by photos and stories at the time. The main purpose of the trip was to see my grandmother/외할머니 (on my...

You Want to Understand Black Americans’ Solidarity With Palestine?

Ifyou’re wondering why some Black Americans have expressed solidarity with Palestinian people in Gaza, you should consider this slice of American history, ranging from the final years of chattel slavery until the early days of the Reconstruction era. Abraham Lincoln, the country’s 16th P...

The New America: How do multiracial Americans fit into public schools?

In Southern California, this is a game we like to play to introduce you to the neighborhood. Everyone gets a turn, and the more interesting your response, the better the game gets. I loved being asked this question in high school, and then begging people to guess where they thought my family was fro...

Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Regina Shklovsky is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Sonoma County, California. She illustrated the 2018 picture book, Fun in the Mud, which was a 2019 Moonbeam award winner and a 2018 Nautilus award winner. She is passionate about bringing stories to life with pictures and thoughtf...

Suburbanization and the American Dream

The movement of Americans to suburbs after World War II was one of the most profound social and geographical transformations in United States history. Suburbanization was so transformative that home-ownership became a major factor in the construction of American identity — a symbol of living t...

Why African Americans/Africans Should Not Commit Themselves To Christianity.

I hope that everyone recognizes that colonialism was an extreme issue throughout history and is still something that affects many countries all over the world. Without writing a whole 15-minute article about colonialism alone, I’ll provide the key points that should be discussed. Colonialis...

Americans Going Green on St. Paddy’s Day is So Special

Who was St. Patrick? So, I ask myself, why do we celebrate an Irish tradition in America? I want to know especially because I have some Irish ancestry. Well, it begins with a 16-year-old British boy who was kidnapped by Irish pirates in the 5th century from his wealthy family’s estate, t...