Tag: Agile

The age of Agile must end

As startups refocus on “operational efficiency,” let’s emphasize that efficiency is a way of working, not your headcount. Agile development has been the #1 operational principle of tech for over 20 years, unchecked, unquestioned. Yet, it has fundamental flaws that...

Facilitating OKR Planning for Agile Organizations

In today’s business landscape, organizations need a clear direction to achieve their goals effectively. Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) have emerged as a powerful framework to align teams and individuals towards shared objectives. In this article, we’ll explore practical strategi...

How to Avoid Agile Transformation Pitfalls

Over the years, I have been part of many organizational transformations. Almost without exception, the goal was a worthy one. Some did succeed, but many of these transformation efforts failed, either entirely or at least to a large degree. The reasons for failure were often the same. I listed the...

Don’t Get Left Behind: 5 Essential Linkerd Tips for Agile Developers

In the vast world of programming, staying ahead of the curve is not optional; it’s a necessity. Agile developers understand this better than anyone, and as the digital landscape evolves, they strive to leverage innovative tools to propel them towards success. One such tool is Linkerd, a powerf...

Don’t Get Left Behind: 5 Essential Linkerd Tips for Agile Developers

Title: Embrace the Future: Mastering Linkerd with Skrots, the Pioneers of Agile Development Introduction: In the vast world of programming, staying ahead of the curve is not optional; it’s a necessity. Agile developers understand this better than anyone, and as the digital landscape evol...

Inclusive Agile: Extending the Reach of the Manifesto

Embedding inclusivity into the Manifesto The Agile Manifesto has revolutionised the way teams approach software development. But, it’s crucial to acknowledge that diversity and inclusion were not at the forefront of discussions when the Manifesto was drafted. Can we add an element to t...

When AGILE may not work

Example? Pharma industry. In the US it’s regulated by FDA (Food and Drug Administration), in the EU by EMA (European Medicines Agency) etc. They control a lot of the aspects of R&D (Research and Development), Manufacturing, Supply etc. And when I say “control&rdqu...