How to Avoid Agile Transformation Pitfalls

<p>Over the years, I have been part of many organizational transformations. Almost without exception, the goal was a worthy one. Some did succeed, but many of these transformation efforts failed, either entirely or at least to a large degree.</p> <p>The reasons for failure were often the same. I listed the ten most painful pitfalls&nbsp;<a href=";utm_campaign=post&amp;utm_medium=web" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">in this article</a>. Understanding the possible pitfalls is step one. Then, you can start fixing the situation.</p> <p>Today, I will discuss what helped me successfully avoid the pitfall of adding the transformation work on top of the regular responsibilities. I will spotlight the practices I experienced that were particularly helpful, rather than a complete guide.</p> <h2>What does it really tell us?</h2> <p>What message are we conveying when we rally the people behind the need to transform, tell them they are key to the transformation&rsquo;s success and then add that transformation work should not impact their primary targets?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>