Tag: advantage

Find your unfair coding advantage

You don’t need to be great at every developer skill. In fact, you can build a great career with mostly mediocre skills. It also doesn’t matter what other people tell you to do. You don’t need to copy the advice of some guru or the practices of someone you most look up to. The...

Going First Gives You an Unfair Advantage in Life

If there’s one thing that can change your life, it’s going freaking first. Who the heck wants to do that though? At work I used to weasel my way out of anything. “Any volunteers to stay back late and help clients?” I’d run for the elevator. One evening our...

Going First Gives You an Unfair Advantage in Life

If there’s one thing that can change your life, it’s going freaking first. Who the heck wants to do that though? At work I used to weasel my way out of anything. “Any volunteers to stay back late and help clients?” I’d run for the elevator. One evening our bank...

Average People Have the Quiet Advantage to Be Rich

I’m average. Like really average. I got above-average grades in school until I got to the part in school where things got hard and instead of leaning in, I leaned out and things crumbled. Entering university? I got Bs. Not bad. Not great. Not stand out like some of my classmates liked to...

The Linux Advantage: The Real Power Behind the Penguin

Welcome to the grand battle of the operating systems, where the penguin reigns supreme!  In this epic saga, we’ll uncover why Linux stands head and shoulders above Windows and MacOS. So, saddle up and prepare for a journey into the realm of the mighty Tux.  Chapter 1: The Unbreaka...

The Linux Advantage: The Real Power Behind the Penguin

Introduction: Unleash the Penguin Power!  Welcome to the grand battle of the operating systems, where the penguin reigns supreme!  In this epic saga, we’ll uncover why Linux stands head and shoulders above Windows and MacOS. So, saddle up and prepare for a journey into the realm o...

How To Use Downtime To Your Advantage

Now, this isn’t a call for excessive action. As much as pouring energy into fine-tuning your business or yourself sounds great, if your cup is empty you have nothing to offer. If you’re feeling burnt out then use this time to work on being gentle on yourself, so you can come out of this ...

How to Identify When You’re Being Taken Advantage of in Your Church Community

I remember attending Sunday services at my local church, feeling like a dedicated member of the community. But there was one particular incident that made me question everything. It all started with a friendly invitation to grab coffee after the service. At first, it seemed like a genuine gesture...

The Jewish Advantage

Ashkenazi Jews are undoubtedly one of the most successful ethnic groups in the world. Richard Lynn (2011) and Steven Pinker (2011) have both written and made remarks to that effect. Lynn records that wherever Jews have gone they’ve shown exceptional educ...