The Jewish Advantage

<p>Ashkenazi Jews are undoubtedly one of the most successful ethnic groups in the world.&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Richard Lynn</strong>&nbsp;(2011)</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong>Steven Pinker</strong>&nbsp;(2011)</a>&nbsp;have both written and made remarks to that effect.&nbsp;<strong>Lynn</strong>&nbsp;records that wherever Jews have gone they&rsquo;ve shown exceptional educational, socioeconomic, and intellectual achievement. The extent of Jewish overachievement&nbsp;<strong>Lynn</strong>&nbsp;reports is sometimes astounding: Jews constituted 0.8% of Germany&rsquo;s 1930s population and 24% of it&rsquo;s Nobel laureates, 0.075% of Italy&rsquo;s population and 24% of it&rsquo;s, 2% of Russia&rsquo;s and 70% of it&rsquo;s, but also 10 of 14 Fields Prize or Wolf Prize winners for outstanding mathematical work, and 15 of the 33 Russian grandmasters. Perhaps nowhere is Jewish achievement better-highlighted than in America, where they&rsquo;ve made up less than 3% of the 20th-century population but 62 of 200 Nobel Prize winners for science, literature, and economics, and 32% of&nbsp;<em>Forbes&rsquo;</em>&nbsp;2009 400 richest Americans.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>