Tag: Actions

Your Community Is No Better Than Its Actions

After every heinous act committed in America, there’s an inevitable press conference or news release from a public official stating this “doesn’t reflect the values of our community.” Chatham, MA, is a small seaside town where two teenage white boys invited their Black &ld...

5 Essential Actions You Must Do When You Take Over A Team (Leadership 101)

Okay, picture this: you're suddenly the skipper of a ship midway through a tumultuous voyage — your boat, your crew. But then you move ships, new crew, new boat. Yikes. Same strategy? Nope, hold it there. You'll sink and fast. It's now more wild and an overwhelming ride. A...

Loving Yourself Means You Take Responsibility for Your Actions

Sometimes, when I’m getting enough sleep, eating enough vegetables, feeling safe in my relationships, and listening to a ton of Tara Brach podcasts, I think I have conquered the self-loathing. I think, “How silly I was last week, when I thought I was a fundamentally bad person.&rdqu...

GitHub Actions: Netflix Deployment Powered by DevSecOps

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, automation is the name of the game. GitHub Actions is the ace up the sleeve of modern developers, enabling them to streamline their daily workflows in practical and impactful ways. In this article, we’ll explore how GitHub Actions is m...

Build & Push Docker Image to AWS ECR using GitHub Actions

In this blog post, I’ll explain to you how to build & push docker images to AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry) using GitHub Actions. Pre-Requisites Must have AWS Account (Free tier/AWS Educate) Must have prior knowledge of Docker and building docker image Basic knowledge of ...

GitHub Actions: Docker build to AWS ECR and Helm chart deployment to AWS EKS

So, we have a deployed Kubernetes cluster — see the Terraform: Creating EKS, Part 1 — VPCs, Subnets, and Endpoints series. And we have a GitHub Actions workflow to deploy it — see GitHub Actions: Deploying Dev/Prod environments with Terraform. It’s time t...

GitHub Actions: Netflix Deployment Powered by DevSecOps

In today’s fast-paced world of software development, automation is the name of the game. GitHub Actions is the ace up the sleeve of modern developers, enabling them to streamline their daily workflows in practical and impactful ways. In this article, we’ll explore how GitHub Actions is m...

How to generate a Docker image for a Rust project using GitHub Actions

In this tutorial we are going through how to generate a Docker image for a Rust project, using web framework Rocket, with GitHub Actions. It’s very straight forward. But I will go step by step here in case you haven’t touched Docker or GitHub Actions before. Ini...

Implementing CI/CD for Jetbrains Compose Multiplatform Android and iOS Apps using GitHub Actions

In today’s rapidly evolving mobile app development landscape, implementing a robust CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) process has become essential. In this article, we will explore how to leverage the power of GitHub Actions to implement CI/CD for cross-platform Android ...


As we come to the end of another year that has broken many temperature records and seen devastating floods, fires and other extreme weather events across the world, climate action is more urgent than ever before. With the UN climate conference COP28 starting this week in Dubai, and more than 550 eve...

Pivoting Careers in the Age of Climate Crisis.

I still remember the water. As heavy rains flooded Chennai city, entire neighbourhoods were submerged in brown, murky water. People were stranded on their rooftops, waiting days for rescue boats. Climate change was no longer an abstract concept — it was literally at my doorstep in Poes Garden,...

This Is Not a Game

Doyou ever get the feeling that people see war as some kind of game? Do you ever hear right wingers discuss military actions or foreign policy in terms of a first-person shooter game? It’s like it isn’t even real with real world consequences affecting millions of lives across the glob...

Level Up Your Praise, and Other Actions for Allies

Earlier this month, I joined the “Managing Software Teams in Seattle” meetup to discuss how allies can give effective and equitable feedback. One of the topics we explored was whether there’s a role for allies to play in the 360-degree feedback process. (If you’re not familia...

Why Black Americans Still Get the Blame After Affirmative Action

Imagine being blamed for something you had no control over like the rain falling out of the sky. That's what it feels like when Black Americans catch the blame for other groups' misfortunes despite having the least social capital to make systemic changes. For instance, Jon Wang, an 18-y...

Climate action, here and now

A few years ago, David Hsu started taking a keen interest in some apartment buildings in Brooklyn and the Bronx — but not because he was looking for a place to live. Hsu, an associate professor at MIT, works on urban climate change solutions. The property owners were retrofitting their buildin...

Building Business Practices and Programs to Support Racial Equity After Affirmative Action’s Repeal

Certified B Corporations and their partner organizations are pursuing economic inclusion and opportunity for all people. They are doing so by adjusting hiring and recruitment initiatives and reshaping workplace policies. Racial equity, one pillar in B Lab U.S. & Canada’s Theory o...

Why Black Americans Still Get the Blame After Affirmative Action

Imagine being blamed for something you had no control over like the rain falling out of the sky. That's what it feels like when Black Americans catch the blame for other groups' misfortunes despite having the least social capital to make systemic changes. For instance, Jon Wang, an 18-y...

Henoscene: Where Actions Speak Louder than Likes

Le Mondeur is seeking designs that capture the spirit of the iconic Big Five animals, where each animal can only be visualized in their designated media format, i.e. the lion (generative AI), rhinoceros (illustration), elephant (graffiti or typography), buffalo (painting), and leopard (photography.)...