This Is Not a Game

<p>Doyou ever get the feeling that people see war as some kind of game? Do you ever hear right wingers discuss military actions or foreign policy in terms of a first-person shooter game?</p> <p>It&rsquo;s like it isn&rsquo;t even real with real world consequences affecting millions of lives across the globe. It&rsquo;s like they&rsquo;re living in the world of&nbsp;<em>Call of Duty</em>.</p> <p>Reading through Leslie Cockburn&rsquo;s book,&nbsp;<em>Looking for Trouble</em>, it&rsquo;s uncomfortable to see not much has changed in the young man&rsquo;s view on combat&hellip; sigh.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>