5 Essential Actions You Must Do When You Take Over A Team (Leadership 101)

<p>Okay, picture this: you&#39;re suddenly the skipper of a ship midway through a tumultuous voyage &mdash; your boat, your crew.</p> <p>But then you move ships, new crew, new boat. Yikes. Same strategy? Nope, hold it there. You&#39;ll sink and fast.</p> <p><strong>It&#39;s now more wild and an overwhelming ride.</strong></p> <p>And Be Warned. Taking over the leadership of a new team is tough.</p> <h1>1. Understanding the Team, Including Their Secret Handshakes</h1> <p>Yes, your new Team will be full of weirdos. They will also think the same of you.</p> <p>I remember my first stint as Team lead like a recurring nightmare.</p> <blockquote> <p>I hiked in all confident and bold, ready to whip things into shape.</p> </blockquote> <p><strong>I didn&#39;t realize I&#39;d crashed into an ongoing party until I saw the cringe and scepticism on the faces around me.</strong></p> <p>I realized I&#39;d hit into an endless party where I wasn&#39;t invited.</p> <p>And let me tell you, no one likes a party pooper. You must learn the ropes, observe the dynamics, get the inside jokes, and even learn a secret handshake or two before sounding the orders.</p> <p>And I don&#39;t do secret handshakes.</p> <p>Mmm. Understand the quirks. There will be plenty of them.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@philrobertsmedia/5-essential-actions-you-must-do-when-you-take-over-a-team-leadership-101-dc1a2ec896df"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>