How To Learn HTML Properly

I’m not going to waste time explaining to you what HTML is, just follow the prerequisites and you on the roll. 1.Draw Branches in Your Brain It’s Impossible to memorize every HTML semantic tag, properties or attributes, but you can draw branches in your memory to understand how eve...

Displaying HTML text in Jetpack Compose

Hello everyone, in this short article I will be showing you how to display HTML text in Android. At the time of writing this article, Jetpack compose’s Text composable doesn’t allow us to do this. But, thanks to the great interop support for compose, we can use the TextView or MaterialTe...

Testing Select Components with React Testing Library

Testing Select components in React can be challenging due to factors such as simulating user interactions, handling asynchronous behavior, variability in implementation, the complexity of nested components, and accessibility concerns. React Testing Library simplifies this process, but it d...

Handling Events in React.js: An overview and examples

In React, event management closely aligns with traditional HTML practices, with a key distinction being the naming of events. React follows a camelCase naming convention as opposed to the all-lowercase convention in HTML. For instance, the HTML onclick event becomes onClick in the React environment....

Poor man’s islands architecture

Sometimes you don’t need much to enjoy yourself on a nice island surrounded by the ocean of static content. The islands architecture is all the rave now. Some believe it’s the answer to all questions and a solution to all issues. Right now, I’m working on a project of learning a...

Creating a desktop app with JavaScript, HTML, CSS and the old faithful Electron

You are a web developer and were asked for a desktop application? Did you try to learn specific languages to create desktop applications and failed? Did you notice that you are going to stop sleeping and waste quality time with your family and/or pet trying to create desktop applications? ...

Building a Dynamic Sticky Note App with HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, and API

In this article, we are going to learn how to build a sticky note app using html/css and javascript. We’re going to store the notes in Api and getting the notes from api for display in the screen. Here are four steps we will follow to build sticky note app: 1. Set up html structure and css...

What I Mean By Using HTML And CSS Properly — Part 1 of 3

I’ve talked a good deal in my articles and on various forums about how the creators of many things people add to their development stacks — such as HTML/CSS “frameworks” like Bootcrap and “it’s not a framework” Failwind — never lear...

Using HTML And CSS Properly — Part 2 of 3 — Example Site Markup

In the first article of this series I outlined the history, reasoninng, and logic behind HTML that it seems most people never seem to grasp. This time around I want to from scratch code a simple “personal website” homepage to show the “you don’t need classes on everythin...

Mission Accomplished: Creating Dynamic Pages with Pure HTML and Node Server

The Navigation Paradox: Challenging the Traditional Web Development Mechanisms Navigation has always been a cornerstone of web development. Traditional methods involve using routing libraries or server-side routing. However, such procedures might not be intuitive or take full advantage of JavaScr...

A tale from 30 years of HTML

In a few days the Hypertext Markup Language known to most simply as “HTML” will turn 30 years old. After the release of its first version back on November 3rd, 1992 its come a long way. A very long way. “Back in my days, we used to stuff the HTML code as resources into our CGI...

There are some HTML tags that have no ends.

The HTML tags that have no ends are called “void elements” or “self-closing tags”. These tags do not have a corresponding closing tag because they do not contain any content between an opening and closing tag. Some common examples of void HTML tags include: <i...

Understanding the DOM: Unveiling the Magic of Web Development!

ave you ever marveled at the seamless interactivity of your favorite websites, where buttons react to your clicks, images pop up with a touch, and content dynamically rearranges itself to fit your screen? If you’ve ever wondered how this digital sorcery is achieved, you’re in for a treat...

Parsing CSV Contents to Collections in Laravel: A Simplified Approach

Parsing CSV files has always been a staple in web development. Whether you’re importing data or reading configurations, knowing how to efficiently handle CSV files can be invaluable. Laravel, being the versatile framework that it is, provides a range of solutions to manage this. Today, we&rsqu...

The Ultimate Guide to Starting Frontend Development in 2023

Welcome to the ever-evolving world of frontend development! As we step into 2023, the demand for skilled frontend developers continues to soar. Whether you’re a newbie with a passion for web design or a seasoned developer looking to stay current, this guide will help you embark on your fronten...

Flet: Power of your favourite language + Flutter UI

The user interface is one of the most important cornerstones of any application. If we want to develop any frontend, ideally we will have to learn a frontend framework like React/Vue, etc which has a huge learning curve. And a conventional full-stack software development process always needs guys wh...

GraphQL: From Excitement to Deception

Are you wondering if you should use GraphQL in your project? Do your developers fight over arguments like “GraphQL is the future” and “REST is just simpler”? I had endless discussions with my team that I will summarize here. Disclaimer: GraphQL is trendy, and you will find...

Parse an HTML table with Powershell

Imagine, you have to verify the response of an API in an integration test. The response of the API is master data in JSON format, so it is static, but it is quite huge and the only “source of truth” you can verify the data against is a table on a website of your favorite wiki software (e...