Tag: PHP

Why does PHP have a Machine Learning library?

Choosing the right tool for the job is key in programming. For example, JavaScript pairs well with Web Development, while Python is a great choice for Machine Learning. However, even if you are not familiar with the best programming language for your use case, a...

Why does PHP have a Machine Learning library?

Choosing the right tool for the job is key in programming. For example, JavaScript pairs well with Web Development, while Python is a great choice for Machine Learning. However, even if you are not familiar with the best programming language for your use case, a...

Understand Language Constructs in PHP with Examples

When programming in PHP, understanding its language constructs is essential for creating functional, and dynamic applications. PHP provides a rich set of built-in language constructs that serve as the foundation of your code. Language Constructs are handled directly by the PHP parser during cod...

Should You Use PHP (Laravel) in 2023

PHP has been criticized a lot in recent years and I for one haven't been the biggest of fans, not at all actually, so I think that this article will have no biased opinions as I'd like to discuss is PHP and more specifically the Laravel framework so bad. A Little Background To begin wi...

PHP isn’t that bad, so why the hate?

Despite the flak PHP often gets (which sometimes feels like it’s surpassed the number of internet cat videos), it is one of the most widely used server-side scripting languages out there. Yep, you heard it right. According to 3Techs, as of July 2023, PHP is used by a whopping 77.4% o...

The Guy with Conflicting Files

“The Guy with Conflicting Files”, that’s what they called me for two weeks in my first job as a software developer, all because I didn’t know about “Git.” Here’s what happened… If you’re a web developer, you know that Git is a version co...

Poor man’s islands architecture

Sometimes you don’t need much to enjoy yourself on a nice island surrounded by the ocean of static content. The islands architecture is all the rave now. Some believe it’s the answer to all questions and a solution to all issues. Right now, I’m working on a project of learning a...

VSCode for PHP and Laravel

This post should help you setup Visual Studio Code to use for PHP and Laravel development. It it a solid base configuration that can be expanded upon using additional workspace specific configurations. I will cover the best extensions to use as well as some helpful configuration settings and externa...

Native PHP: How to Start?

I’m a web developer, and the main language that I use is PHP. As you know, actually, more than 70–80 percent of the current website you can see is PHP. Before NativePHP, there was a lot of technical help needed to build PHP into an application (example: PHP Desktop). One of the most f...

CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder union() and unionAll() methods

UNION and UNION ALL set operators return the combined rows from 1 or more SELECT queries. CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder now supports UNION and UNION ALL queries with the $builder->union() and $builder->unionAll() methods respective...

What are Facades in Laravel and Why Do We Use Them?

Many of beginner don’t now too much about Facades, even though it’s one of the must important architecture concepts in Laravel and understanding it will help to make more powerful and professional projects. So, What is Facades? As a Laravel programmer you have seen Route::...

Unveiling Advanced PHP Techniques: From Design Patterns to Testing

Welcome to the exciting journey of unlocking the intricacies of advanced PHP techniques. Whether you’re aiming to architect scalable applications, fortify your code against vulnerabilities, or fine-tune your projects for optimal performance, this comprehensive exploration has something in stor...

How I Used Rust to Enhance My PHP

As a solution architect and R&D lead, I provide my development team with a framework of tools for their projects. These tools range from infrastructure to CI/CD tools and include advanced pieces of software as needed. Over the past two years, I have worked on a variety of different projects, ...

Stop using XAMPP: A Step-by-Step Guide to Docker for PHP and MySQL

Introduction In the fast-paced world of web development, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies is essential. One such innovation is Docker, a powerful platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. In this article, we’ll explore how to replace traditional t...

Modern OOP PHP with Docker

OOP: Object-Oriented Programming. Emphasis on using classes and objects. Setup a basic example with Docker Let’s set up an example using Docker, WSL2 and Ubuntu that will take this format: php_oop1/ |-- docker-compose.yml |-- Dockerfile |-- src/ |-- index.php |-- MyClas...

How to Install PHP on Mac

PHP is a popular programming language that is used to develop web applications. If you’re using a Mac and want to develop web applications using PHP, you’ll need to install PHP on your machine. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of installing PHP on a Mac, step by...

Simplifying PHP Version Management with SWTP

Transitioning between various PHP versions can often pose a significant challenge for developers, particularly when juggling multiple projects that necessitate distinct PHP environments. Nevertheless, the open-source tool SWTP endeavors to streamline this operation, making it considerably ...

Update PHP to version 8 in macOS using Homebrew

Updating PHP in a macOS machine can be difficult, you cannot just install Xampp, MAMP, or WAMP, run it, and then you have PHP 8 in your machine, you have to go through some steps that we will be showing in this article. If you want to upgrade to a version between 5.3 and 7.3 If so, there is an...