Tag: XR

XR Origin Setup

Within the XR Origin Object, we have the LeftHand Controller as well as the right. With either the left or the right controller selected, go into the Inspector, and you’ll see that there’s an XR Controller Component. All of the actions on your screen may be empty and we could go t...

Creating an XR Origin

Courtesy of GameDevHQ, they have provided a Pentathlon environment to walk through all of the assets from the DemoScene. We could grab the XR Origin prefab that came with the XR Interaction Toolkit and have it all set up for us but we want to take a different approach so we can learn how the ...

XR Interaction Demo Scene in Unity

If we open up the DemoScene that is included within the Sample Assets that came with the XR Interaction Toolkit, you’ll see that Unity has provided us with a scene to play around with what the XR Interaction Toolkit has to offer. If we navigate around the scene, we have options to test ...

Creating an XR Origin

Courtesy of GameDevHQ, they have provided a Pentathlon environment to walk through all of the assets from the DemoScene. We could grab the XR Origin prefab that came with the XR Interaction Toolkit and have it all set up for us but we want to take a different approach so we can learn how the ...

Using a Socket Interaction in XR

I’ve added an XR Grab Interactable and a collider to my key already. Now, we want our key to interact with the key hole in order to open this door. Let’s start by selecting our key hole, and adding a XR Socket Interactor component. A Socke...

Grabbing a Handle in XR

In this article, I will discuss grabbing a handle so we can pull open a drawer so we can grab a key that is hidden inside. To do this, we will be using a configurable joint with the drawer. Joints are used to attach different gameobjects in the physics system and constrain them in d...

Activate Lever using XR Simple Interactor or XR Lever

I’ve previously used Levers to activate events using the XR Lever script. In this article, I want to demonstrate how I used an animator with the trigger to activate a lever using the XR Simple Interactor. First, I’ve created my animation for my lever to go up and down w...

Conversations with ChatGPT: Breaking Barriers in AR/VR/XR: Diversity and Inclusion in Emerging Technologies

Since the release of ChatGPT, I have gained a new practice of engaging with ChatGPT as a thought partner. Presenting questions and thoughts to the AI model, I often challenge ChatGPT to respond from the perspective of experts in varying professions. This approach is by no way sound proof. While I wo...