Tag: workers

Over 32,000 new tech workers came to Canada

Over 32,000 new tech workers came to Canada in the past year according to the Technology Councils of North America (TECNA) and Canada’s Tech Network (CTN) have released a report on the migration of tech workers and jobs in Canada. The report found that Between April 2022 and March 2023 over...

How will AI affect workers? Tech waves of the past show how unpredictable the path can be

The explosion of interest in artificial intelligence has drawn attention not only to the astonishing capacity of algorithms to mimic humans but to the reality that these algorithms could displace many humans in their jobs. The economic and societal consequences could be nothing short of dramatic. ...

Are American Voters Workers or Consumers?

Right now, the United Auto Workers are on strike, targeting a small number of auto plants in an attempt to get a pay raise and other concessions from management. Joe Biden is planning to walk the picket line with the striking workers, a first for a sitting president. The pundits, of cou...

How Remote Workers Can Stay Productive and Advance Their Careers

As a telecommuter, you face novel inconveniences in your normal work. Without the turn of events and facilitated endeavors of a standard office climate, it’s not difficult to feel secluded or bound from your colleagues and company culture. Regardless, with the right strategies and outlook, you...

“Get Paid to Move: Exploring Cities Offering Incentives to Remote Workers”

The concept of remote work has taken the world by storm, and with it, the idea of relocating to new cities for a change of scenery. But what if we told you that you could not only change your surroundings but also get paid to do it? In this blog, we’ll explore several cities in the Tri-St...

The workers are revolting

There has been a transformation in employee expectations and it requires employers to transform too. Conceptualising a new employee experience needs innovation and reinvention. We’ve identified three primary tensions that need to be resolved. As businesses and employees navigate a successio...

Germany Wants You! — Easing citizenship laws to attract workers

Vibrant, hand-made jewelry with intricate, crocheted flowers and tiny beads have been arranged purposefully on a white table cloth at the Turkish Market in Berlin. Immigrant Mehmet Micoogullari stands behind the table and lines up rows of various bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings — all mad...

Dubai: The Right Choice for Remote Workers?

Are you a freelancer, contractor, or remote worker wondering if Dubai is the right choice for you? As someone who has been working with companies abroad for over 2.5 years, I recently began to consider this very question. In this article, I’ll break down the financial advantages of moving to D...

No Gratuity for Domestic Workers — UAE

End of Service Gratuity for domestic workers in the U.A.E. has been amended, by virtue of the new law governing domestic workers, which came into effect in December of 2022. That law is the U.A.E. Federal Decree Law of №9 of 2022 on Domestic Workers. This law had cancelled the previous law, ...

The 20% charge on your catering bill might not be distributed to service workers

Are you sure your server was tipped? A string of recent lawsuits accuse New York catering companies of adding a 20–30 percent “service charge” onto a bill, only to keep some or all of the fee, instead of distributing it to service employees. From November 2014 to May 2015, Dicks...

Reflections of a Former Child Garment Worker — Inside the Sweatshop: Part 2

During the 90s, crackdowns on sweatshops in Los Angeles suburbs made our work seem secretive. The Clinton administration even formed a “sweatshop task force” around the time my parents started their work. This task force aimed to protect garment workers enslaved in factories. While...

Companies Are Losing the Battle Against Workers, And They Want You to Pay For It

Have you visited any dollar store lately? Nothing is a dollar anymore. Every item is now priced between $1 to $5. Let me explain why this is happening. On August 3, 1981, about 13,000 of the 17,500 Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO) members, a United States trade union, ...

Why there is (actually) no shortage of skilled workers in Germany’s tech sector

I am not against having more foreign workers in Germany. Personally, I believe in the growth of humanity through cultural exchange and I love it whenever I meet people who are willing to take on the never-ending battle with German bureaucracy and then struggle with the German language (and the ...

Are American Voters Workers or Consumers?

Right now, the United Auto Workers are on strike, targeting a small number of auto plants in an attempt to get a pay raise and other concessions from management. Joe Biden is planning to walk the picket line with the striking workers, a first for a sitting president. The pundits, of cou...

Overburdened: The High Suicide Rate of Healthcare Workers

It’s been a rough few years for those of us in the healthcare professions. Our lives, dominated by COVID-related concerns at home, were equally dominated by COVID-concerns at work. On the job, there were fewer and fewer of us around as exploitation and COVID-related stressors led doc...

Cracking the Race Condition Code in Ruby on Rails with Sneaker Workers

Have you ever encountered a mind-boggling issue while working on a project? Picture this: a seemingly innocent sneaker acted as the queue adapter for background tasks in my project. Intriguing, right? Well, buckle up because this story involves the unexpected twist of a race condition bug wreaking h...

Creating sneakers workers dynamically

At Cheetah Technologies we fulfill deliveries from different locations (warehouses) spread across the US. We integrate with ERP and WMS systems to get live inventory and pricing updates. Our CatalogService connects with the ERP system to get catalog related data including packaging variations, image...