Tag: Witch

The Witch Has Arrived

Wherever she wanders, Leaving her scent of lavender And orange peels as she passes by, She dares not look at anyone directly Through the veil of her raven hair. Their voices whisper worriedly To each other: È una strega! Siehst du die Hexe? Mais, c’est une sorcière&helli...

3 Signs You’re A Chaos Witch

First things first, what is chaos magick? For the sake of brevity, chaos magick is a practice that rejects traditional and ritual practices for simpler results-based procedures. It is all about utilizing the things that are helpful in the moment — regardless if they oppose things that have bee...

Choosing a machine learning model without consulting a voodoo witch

After a full day at a data conference, our group found ourselves engaged in a deep discussion during our train ride home. Among us was a gentleman in his fifties, who revealed himself as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a company with a strong focus on data-driven products. As we chatted, he po...