The Witch Has Arrived

<p>Wherever she wanders,<br /> Leaving her scent of lavender<br /> And orange peels as she passes by,<br /> She dares not look at anyone directly<br /> Through the veil of her raven hair.<br /> Their voices whisper worriedly<br /> To each other:<br /> <em>&Egrave; una strega!<br /> Siehst du die Hexe?<br /> Mais, c&rsquo;est une sorci&egrave;re&hellip;</em></p> <p>The witch has arrived.</p> <p>They all want to carve a slice out of her<br /> Just to have a piece of magic to light up<br /> Their dreary and dismal lives.<br /> How can she be happy in refusing their<br /> Social norms, rejecting husband and children?<br /> The teenagers spread rumors about town<br /> That she cooks up worms, crow&rsquo;s feet,<br /> Eye of newt, and brains of the hare<br /> Because they know she won&rsquo;t share<br /> Her sumptious recipes of apple tarts<br /> And vegetetable stews, tea brewed with<br /> Love from herbs foraged in the forest,<br /> Never buying into the market gruel.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Arrived Witch