Choosing a machine learning model without consulting a voodoo witch

<p>After a full day at a data conference, our group found ourselves engaged in a deep discussion during our train ride home. Among us was a gentleman in his fifties, who revealed himself as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a company with a strong focus on data-driven products. As we chatted, he posed a question that lingered in our minds: how do we decide which model to use for classification, prediction, or regression? Some of us responded casually, suggesting we simply choose whatever works best. However, this response didn&rsquo;t satisfy him; he emphasized the need for a more systematic and rational approach to model selection. While I offered a brief explanation at the time, the conversation was cut short by the end of our journey and our exhaustion. In this post, I aim to delve deeper into this question and provide a comprehensive answer.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: voodoo Witch