Tag: Whites

So Very Sorry You Wasted All That White Privilege on Me

It’s a weird way to experience racism, but oh so familiar to me. Much like the commenter, I am generally perceived as a white woman. My skin is almost the colour of milk. My eyes are blue. My hair, when in its natural state, is brown. I look very much like my white mother, except for the wi...

Unpacking White Privilege: A Call to Acknowledge and Address Disparities

White privilege is a term that has gained prominence in discussions about systemic racism and social inequalities. It refers to the unearned advantages and benefits that individuals with white/fair skin experience in a society where whiteness is the norm. This paper seeks to delve into the concept o...

Dr. Claudine Gay, anti-Black racism, Carpetbaggers, Scalawags, DEI, and white supremacy: Why Race Still Matters in the Workplace

I have observed recent events at Harvard involving the former president, Dr. Claudine Gay, and the so-called “pushback against DEI” with great distress. As I watch the “Trojan horse” way those events are being used as cover for anti-Black bias and racism, I am, unironically, ...

White Saviorism in the Nonprofit World

A big racial gap exists in the nonprofit world where many organisations that are involved in charity work serve communities of colour but lack racial diversity in their leadership. I was assigned to work on a social media campaign for the NGO — ‘Save the Children’ with a few of my ...

White Boys Are Reshaping AmeriKa Through Black Women

When I lived in New Mexico I had some beef with a white boy who was married to an Afro-American woman; the daughter was in my youth group. I knew this punk was going to be trouble when we had a team bonding at a pizza place, they strictly enforced wearing masks. This punk was the only dude who would...

5 Stereotypes White America Uses to Rule the World

America is home to 4.23% of the world’s population and yet it nearly a fourth of the world’s GDP. GDP can be confusing to some, so let us look at an easier-to-comprehend number. According to the UBS and Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2023, American househo...

We Need to Talk About What It Means to Be ‘White-Adjacent’ in Tech

Asians in tech are now frequently considered so white-adjacent that we are no longer identified as people of color, as if the relative overrepresentation of some East and South Asians with socioeconomic and educational privilege means that the entirety of the AAPI community is no longer subject to i...

White Fragility Can’t Deal With My Self-Care

My housemate bought the sponges. Some of the sponges. I bought the dishwasher detergent. The laundry detergent. The paper towels. The toilet paper. Almost all of the silverware and dishes are mine. I’m sure if I look closely, I’ll find something in this house I did not bu...

White Women: Admitting We’re All Racist is the First Step to Dismantling White Supremacy

InJanuary of 2017, following the 2016 presidential election, I remember the devastation I felt when I learned that my mother was amongst the 53% of white women who voted for Trump. “You know, how you’re feeling right now, scared and anxious, is how I felt when Obama was elec...

White Fragility Is A Book About Racism

DiAngelo views racism in the USA as systemic and sometimes perpetuated by individuals subconsciously. Many believe that is the case. Racism is something that has existed in the United States from its earliest days. People may feel superior to others because of the color of their skin or other fac...

The Violence of white Apologies

Many Black people will tell you that the past ten days constituted a whirlwind unlike any other. For many of us our phones rang (and continue to ring) off the hook, our DMs full of white people experiencing racial revelation. The veil now torn, their eyes newly open to the reality of the world ar...

The Souls of White Folk

The Souls of White Folk,” goes without saying that the generalizations do not apply to every white individual. Some fight valiantly to improve the human condition, seek equality among the races, and right the historical wrongs of this nation or acknowledge them. Yet, the collective silence of ...