Tag: website

How to create a personal website, but it’s 1999

Have you ever wondered, what web developer life looked like over 20 years ago, when the world wide web was still kinda new thing, you had to listen to strange beeps and boops before you entered it, JavaScript and CSS were more of a curiosity than something commonly used in creating simple websites, ...

Lower your carbon footprint by improving your website performance

Have you ever been stuck waiting for a site to load, spam-clicking at the same time and hoping it would make the site load faster? I can admit to doing that more times than I would like, but that can often be the reality of navigating the web. “Is it possible that the users on our website c...

How I Built a Serverless Workout App By Myself

This has been a relaxing summer. Back in June, I decided to take a break from blogging after 77 weeks in a row of publishing a new article every Wednesday. I took some time off to recharge, spend time with my kids, and work on some projects I simply haven’t had the time to do because of all th...

How to create a personal website, but it’s 1999

Have you ever wondered, what web developer life looked like over 20 years ago, when world wide web was still kinda new thing, you had to listen to strange beeps and boops before you entered it, JavaScript and CSS were more of a curiosity than something commonly used in creating simple websites, and ...

77.3% of My Website Pages Generate Organic Traffic — Here’s How I Do It

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might know I created a personal website in August 2021. Back then, it was a digital environment for my marketing experiments and an opportunity to improve my SEO skills. I quickly realized my 5-year experience as an SEO specialist in...

Helping Teens Manage Their Finances… One Website at a Time

Managing finances can be one of the toughest things to do as a person living in the US, especially with the current economy. Through many years of frustration with the current system and lack of resources to obtain literacy, I have gained sympathy and understanding for those who have struggled in th...

My Personal Website Is Consistently Getting 100,000+ New Readers a Month — Here’s How to Do the…

Every writer talks about how social media is the holy grail. I accidentally discovered it’s not. Over the last 90 days, my website has consistently got 100,000 + new readers a month (not views, READERS). Screenshot of author’s website google analytics It’s a digital sp...

Add a Dynamic Sitemap to Next.js Website Using Pages or App Directory

In this post, we will explore how to add a dynamic sitemap to a Next.js website. First, we add the sitemap to a website using the “pages” directory and then update it to take advantage of the new “app” directory. We’ll implement a dynamic sitemap, which automatically up...

New Client’s Website Had Some Interesting Problems

Whilst officially “Retired” from accessibility and efficiency consulting, I still get people banging down the door offering me work. In a way it feels good to feel needed, and sometimes I really just wish folks would leave me alone. Honestly which is which is determined more by my h...

10 Minor UX Changes That Have a Huge Impact on Your Website

Don’t let your website be a lost cause in the vast internet landscape. Don’t let all the time and effort you put into creating content go to waste because of design shortcomings. A website’s design and user experience should be a harmonious symphony, working together to creat...

Build a poll-making website using SvelteKit, Turso, Drizzle, and deploy it to Vercel.

According to StackOverflow’s 2023 Developer Survey, Svelte is the most admired JavaScript web framework. To understand why many developers seem to admire this framework, we are going to examine how easy it is to deliver a regular web application experience using its streaml...

Use Docker, Uptime Kuma, and Traefik To Monitor Your Website

Within this article, I want to show how you can set up website monitoring from your local PC or a server with Docker/Docker Swarm. Instead of using complicated monitoring stacks like prometheus, node-exporter, or graphana I want to show a lightweight alternative called Uptime Kuma which is written i...

Dynamic Web Pages Scraping with Python: Guide to Scrape All Content

Have you gotten poor results while scraping dynamic web page content? It’s not just you. Crawling dynamic data is a challenging undertaking (to say the least) for standard scrapers. That’s because JavaScript runs in the background when an HTTP request is made. Scraping dynamic website...

How to build a website builder

A website for building websites. Sounds easy, right? It sure is if scoped right and if you have a great guide to break it down for you. Luckily, you’re reading a guide to build just that written by someone who built a website builder from scratch. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll b...

77.3% of My Website Pages Generate Organic Traffic — Here’s How I Do It

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might know I created a personal website in August 2021. Back then, it was a digital environment for my marketing experiments and an opportunity to improve my SEO skills. I quickly realized my 5-year experience as an SEO specialist in...

Unveiling the Art of Instant Portrait Enhancement for a Visually Stunning Website

Have you encountered a website that grabbed your attention right away? A site that made you want to stick around, explore its offerings, and get involved? This highlights the importance of how a website looks. The visual attractiveness of a website is crucial for attracting and keeping visitors enga...

Wargate website (V1)

We are excited to share that we’ve launched the initial website for our upcoming Wargate game. As this represents the first public version, your feedback would be tremendously helpful as we continue improving and refining the site. The website presents information about the game and mechani...

I released a playable portfolio as a Game Boy game for my website

I’m also doing other things, like voice overs for a YouTube channel, running a newsletter about Android development with two friends, and I’ve just started building physical products and playing around with the idea of checking how to sell things through Etsy. But I feel like I should...

Beginner-Friendly AWS Project To Get Started: Hosting a Static Website In A S3 Bucket Using Terraform

The world of cloud computing can be both fascinating and mind-boggling, especially for those taking their first steps into its vast scenery. If you’re new to Amazon Web Services (AWS) or cloud infrastructure in general, the idea of hosting a website in the cloud might seem like an insuperable ...

Building a Static Website using AWS S3

In today’s competitive job market, a well-crafted resume is essential, but it’s no longer just about words. Employers now seek hands-on experience with modern technology, particularly cloud computing. To help you demonstrate these skills, we introduce the Cloud Resume Challenge, a practi...

Mastering Static Website Hosting on AWS with Terraform: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

The shift to cloud and serverless solutions has revolutionized modern infrastructure, empowering organizations with simplicity and efficiency. This article provides a comprehensive guide to deploying a static website on AWS using Terraform, covering essential services such as S3 for storage, CloudFr...

Demystifying ‘curl’: What Really Goes on When You Fetch a Website?

When you use the curl command to retrieve data from a website, you are essentially making an HTTP request to the specified URL. The curl command is a powerful tool for making network requests, and it supports various protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more. ...

Rio de Janeiro Travel Guide Website

We started by looking at other travel sites and seeing what types of features, layouts, and user flows they used to get some inspiration. We looked at Lonely Planet, Airbnb, Trip Advisor, and Google Maps. We really liked the interactive map, the heavy use of images, and the ability to create and sav...

What’s he best ad-free Tokyo informative website?

Often, you find yourself overwhelmed by the abundance of information available, most of which is interrupted by annoying ads. This is where tokyotourists comes in, providing an ad-free online platform tailored specifically for those planning to explore Tokyo. Unlike other tourist web...

Signs of a Dying Website and how you can fix it

A sharp drop in website traffic is akin to a silent alarm ringing in the digital realm. If your analytics dashboard shows a consistent downward trend, it’s time to pay attention. This decline can be attributed to various factors, such as changes in search engine algorithms, outdated content, o...

45 Secret Websites & Ways to Make Money Online in 2023

In the last few years, there has been a significant rise in the trend of earning money through online means. With the widespread availability of the internet, numerous avenues have opened up for individuals to explore and make money online. While some people may be on the lookout for obscure techniq...

Telegram and its gender-role website approach

I’ve been working with technology for the last 15 years. I finished my Bachelor's in Computer Science and then studied my ass off to pass an exam to get a “secure and stable job” in the Public Sector as an IT analyst. I got the job and it paid well at that time. I was workin...