Dynamic Web Pages Scraping with Python: Guide to Scrape All Content

<p>Have you gotten poor results while scraping dynamic web page content? It&rsquo;s not just you. Crawling dynamic data is a challenging undertaking (to say the least) for standard scrapers. That&rsquo;s because JavaScript runs in the background when an HTTP request is made.</p> <p>Scraping dynamic websites requires rendering the entire page in a browser and extracting the target information.</p> <p>Join us in this step-by-step tutorial to learn all you need about dynamic web scraping with Python &mdash; the dos and don&rsquo;ts, the challenges and solutions, and everything in between.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s dive right in!</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:450/1*HFi-tWIsXIHqoQy63IjjnA.jpeg" style="height:281px; width:500px" /></p> <h1>What Is a Dynamic Website?</h1> <p><strong>A dynamic website is one that doesn&rsquo;t have all its content directly in its static HTML.</strong>&nbsp;It uses server-side or client-side to display data, sometimes based on the user&rsquo;s actions (e.g., clicking, scrolling, etc.).</p> <p>Put simply, these websites display different content or layout with every server request. This helps with loading time as there&rsquo;s no need to reload the same information each time the user wants to view &ldquo;new&rdquo; content.</p> <p>How to identify them? One way is by&nbsp;<strong>disabling JavaScript in the command palette on your browser</strong>. If the website is dynamic, the content will disappear.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@zenrows/dynamic-web-pages-scraping-python-46d001a9014b">Website</a></p>