Tag: Weather

How to Weather the Storm of Tech Layoffs by Managing to Scale

The tech industry has swiftly swung from where they could not find enough people to hire a mere 9 months ago, to a surge of layoffs. The golden years have lasted long enough that there are people who are well into their careers and never experienced large layoffs. For those who rem...

How I turned a cheap weather station (and a whole lot of things I already own) into a personal DevOps-style weather dashboard

The End Result Let’s start with the visually-pleasing part, which is probably what brought you here. Here is what my dashboard looks like… Three captures of different sections of the dashboard: Summary, Wind, and Temp & Humidity Overview of the Grafana dashb...

Why is exterior painting important for weather proofing?

In the dynamic climate of Sydney, exterior painting isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s a shield against the elements. From scorching sun to heavy rainfall, the weather can take a toll on your property’s exterior. That’s where the magic of exterior painting comes into play, off...

2020 Sydney Daily Weather Observations: Visualisation

The weather pattern of Sydney fascinated me when I was planning for my higher education. My country has a similar climate, particularly in terms of temperature and seasons. I arrived in this country in February and faced extreme weather in March. So I came to know that it has been temperate for all ...

Species, Weather, Location

In 2010, I released an extensive 430-page journal tailored for birdwatchers and bird photographers to record their observations. Despite its substantial size, the book sold remarkably well, offering ample space for noting the bird species, weather conditions, and locations. It also included a p...

How On Earth Did We Get Wet & The Water Climate Crisis

In Patagonia, an unusual weather pattern has been causing concern since June — almost five months of non-stop heavy rainfall, breaking records and reshaping the region. Lakes are swelling to levels never seen before, swallowing beaches, and turning storms into sinking hazards for docked ships....

Weather forecasting with Machine Learning, using Python

Physicists define climate as a “complex system”. While there are a lot of interpretations about it, in this specific case we can consider “complex” to be “unsolvable in analytical ways”. This may seems discouraging, but it actually pave...

Bad Weather

Someone had propped a skateboard by the door of the classroom, to make quick his escape, come the bell. For it was February in Florida, the air of instruction thick with tanning butter. Why, my students wondered, did the great dead poets all live north of us? Click Here

Extreme Weather Events and Climate Change: Connecting the Dots

Extreme weather events and climate change are intricately linked, with the latter exacerbating the frequency and intensity of the former. As the Earth's climate undergoes significant transformations, the impact on weather patterns becomes more pronounced, leading to a rise in extreme events. ...

Did my weather stripping just move?

One day I left with the intention of returning home early, so I did not leave the light on. Of course, things happened which required me to be out later than I expected, so I returned home to a very dark house. As I pulled up, I could see from the distance that the weather-stripping had come loose f...

All It Took Was Cold Weather for Me to Bail

Maybe you’re going to think I’m a quitter with no resolve, but when I found out it’s supposed to be 14 degrees tomorrow morning, I canceled my mentoring session. I volunteered last year to be a middle school mentor at a local public school. They needed volunteers, and I figured ...

Why Are We Here? Chaos Brought Us Together

Extreme or prolonged weather obviously affects us, but it’s trickier to accept that mild, temporary shifts in the weather can also change the course of our lives. A cloud moves, and a plane doesn’t take off or changes its flight path. It matters who is or isn’t on the plane, whethe...

Star Weather Astrology Report 1/14–1/21

Friends, we have before us a week that includes the most important astrological event of the decade: Pluto leaves Capricorn for Aquarius. If any sign represents equality and liberation of the oppressed it is Aquarius. For people of color, the LGBTQ community, for oppressed religious and ra...

GraphCast : fast and more accurate weather prediction

Weather prediction is one of the most challenging yet essential task, multitude of algorithms ranging from pure Auto-regressive architecture to pure GNN based architecture were formulated, algorithms like FourCastNet provided a deep insight into how the complex weather conditions could be modelled. ...

The Best Jackets for Warm Weather: Lightweight and Trendy Styles

Warm weather doesn’t mean you have to forgo wearing jackets altogether. Lightweight and stylish jackets are essential for cooler evenings, air-conditioned indoor spaces, or adding a fashionable touch to your outfit. If you want to make a purchase, please Click Here. In this guide, we&rsqu...