Tag: VSCode

9 VSCode Extensions You Can’t Ignore as a Developer

Abraham Lincoln said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” The same principle applies to VSCode and all the extensions inside of it. Before starting to code, you first need to make your workflow work for you. Make it more product...

[Guide] — Setting up a VSCode that’s so good that you work overtime just so you can keep typing

The other day I’m casually scrolling through LinkedIn, minding my own business, when I stumble upon this post. This dude’s showing off his work, and I gotta say, it’s pretty impressive. But then, out of nowhere, this random guy drops a comment saying, ‘Your vscode look unprof...

VSCode for PHP and Laravel

This post should help you setup Visual Studio Code to use for PHP and Laravel development. It it a solid base configuration that can be expanded upon using additional workspace specific configurations. I will cover the best extensions to use as well as some helpful configuration settings and externa...

10 Must-Have VSCode Extensions for Web Development

Speaking of extensibility, VSCode has thousands of extensions you can install to ramp up your developer productivity and save yourself from mundane tasks. They are all available in the Visual Studio Code marketplace and the vast majority of them are completely free. This article looks at 10 power...

10 extensions for VSCode that will simplify development

Before I start, I should point out that plugins make it easier to work on code, but if there are too many of them, they slow down development. Let’s go! Thunder client An alternative to Postman that lets you test codebase API endpoints inside VSCode. Supports unscripted tests. ...

Best VSCode Extensions That Every Developer Should Have (10x Productivity)

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular code editor that is used by millions of developers around the world. It is a free and open-source editor that is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. VS Code is highly customizable and can be extended with a variety of extensions. Today I am going to t...

7 Unnecessary VSCode Extensions You Should Uninstall Now

The number of VSCode extensions you have installed is one of the main reasons why you might find the editor slow and power-hungry, as every new extension added increases the app’s memory and CPU usage. It’s important to keep this number as low as possible to minimize this resource consum...

[Guide] — Setting up a VSCode that’s so good that you work overtime just so you can keep typing

The other day I’m casually scrolling through LinkedIn, minding my own business, when I stumble upon this post. This dude’s showing off his work, and I gotta say, it’s pretty impressive. But then, out of nowhere, this random guy drops a comment saying, ‘Your vscode look unprof...