9 VSCode Extensions You Can’t Ignore as a Developer

<p>Abraham Lincoln said, &ldquo;<strong>Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.</strong>&rdquo; The same principle applies to VSCode and all the extensions inside of it.</p> <p>Before starting to code, you first need to make your workflow work for you. Make it more productive, prettier, and just more customizable. It would save you lots of time and effort, so you&#39;d have more power to code.</p> <p>It doesn&rsquo;t matter if you&rsquo;re a front-end or back-end developer or a senior Java programmer. This article would still be useful for most of you. Especially for someone who is searching for some new ways of improving our usual&nbsp;<strong>IDE</strong>.</p> <h1>1.&nbsp;<a href="https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsls-contrib.codetour" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">CodeTour</a></h1> <p>Imagine being able to explore complex code as if you were on a guided museum tour. That&rsquo;s exactly what&nbsp;<strong>CodeTour</strong>&nbsp;offers. This innovative extension lets you record and playback guided tours of your codebases. It&rsquo;s like having a personal tour guide navigating you through the jungle of codes.</p> <p>Not only is CodeTour an amazing tool for beginners trying to grasp the structure of a new codebase, but it&rsquo;s also a handy reminder for your future coding self!</p> <p><a href="https://javascript.plainenglish.io/9-vscode-extensions-you-cant-ignore-as-a-developer-f5e39559e9a1">Read More</a></p>