Tag: Voices

PlayHT2.0, When Voices Can No Longer Be Trusted

With cancel culture, I don’t think there’s one person on this planet who doesn’t fear getting framed and accused of saying something they have not. Because keyboard warriors that saturate our social media will be quick to sentence you without giving you the right to defend yours...


Thoughts are like fugitives on the run here and gone so quickly we barely notice them at all until one, just one forces our attention and we become its prisoner wondering why this thought and not another. Perhaps it is an angry thought that progresses to another angry thought and another and anot...

One Voice, Multiple Voices

If you purchase any of Pessoa’s collected works it will include poetry by a number of his heteronyms. The most famous of these are Alberto Caeiro, Alvaro de Campos, Ricardo Reis and Bernardo Soares. I think it’s fair to say that had he been alive now, he might have been diagnosed with so...

Voices Of Women

In 1999, I was invited to be on a panel that changed my life. When I was little, I dreamed of being an artist, one that could use her work to speak about things that I thought were important. Growing up during Watergate was key, very influential. In fact the whole period of my youth was influenti...

Empowering Voices, Orchestrating Change

In the midst of the ever-evolving symphony of social justice, one resonating chord holds immense importance: intersectional reproductive justice. This captivating concept unveils the intricate harmonies that intertwine reproductive rights with intersecting social identities. As society embraces a mo...

Hear Our Voices: To the 118th United States Congress

You ban kids’ books, but not assault rifles. Tell us. How many children have to die? Guns kill, not ideas you want stifled. Mothers and fathers are left to cry, “Why?” To your ears, are we just empty voices? We are begging you. Please hear our voices! Tell us. How many chil...

Enduring Voices, Sacred Lands: The Resilience and Wisdom of the World’s Oldest Living Culture

Under the vast, indigo sky stretching infinitely over Australia’s arid heart, time moves to an ancient rhythm, echoing through the aeons. The land here breathes with the life force of the world’s oldest living culture, a lineage of knowledge, tradition, and resilience that predates the p...

People From Nowhere: Santhali Voices in ‘The Adivasi Will Not Dance’

“Industrialism is, I am afraid, going to be a curse for mankind”, M. K. Gandhi writes in an issue of Young India. In India, industrialisation has indeed been a curse for the marginalised Adivasi communities such as Santhals as the lands they inhabit are usually rich in various ...

Indigenous Art Voices, We Are The Seeds

Her family is of Narragansett decent, and as a very young girl, Tailinh remembers joining her father, TChin (pronounced ‘Chin) at his art classes at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). He is a celebrated jewelry designer, who also studied at the Institute of American India...

Elevating Pasifika voices

Iremember in kindergarten, when I was about six-years-old, I became very conscious of my cultural identity in a way that I had never been before. I was the pale by-product of an Aussie father and a Tongan mother, who contrasted each other (literally), and the fact that I was the result of this union...