Tag: Visualizing

Visualizing Economic Trends: G7 vs. BRICS : Part1

In today’s globalized world, economic powerhouses play a significant role in shaping the global economy. Two prominent groups that often come into focus are the G7 (Group of Seven) and BRICS. The G7 consists of seven of the world’s largest advanced economies, while BRICS includes five ma...

Accessing and Visualizing Digital Elevation Models with Python

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) represent a 3D surface model of the terrain. It represents a continuous topographic elevation surface through a series of cells where each cell represents the elevation (Z) of a feature at its location (X and Y). Digital Elevation Models only contain information ...

Visualizing 3 Sklearn Cross-validation: K-Fold, Shuffle & Split, and Time Series Split

What is Cross-validation? Basically, cross-validation is a statistical method for evaluating learning algorithms. A fixed number of folds (groups of data) is set to run the analysis. These folds group the data into 2 sets: training and testing (validation) sets, that are cross-over in rounds, all...

Visualizing 3 Sklearn Cross-validation: K-Fold, Shuffle & Split, and Time Series Split

Basically, cross-validation is a statistical method for evaluating learning algorithms. A fixed number of folds (groups of data) is set to run the analysis. These folds group the data into 2 sets: training and testing (validation) sets, that are cross-over in rounds, allowing each data point to be v...

What RuPaul Taught Me About Visualizing My Goals

I’ve often found this RuPaul quote under-utilized and under-referenced. The quote carries profound wisdom about leadership. It urges us to envision the leaders we aspire to be and to step into that role with unwavering authenticity. In the realm of leadership, we inherently mimic the styles...

Visualizing Log Data with Grafana, Loki, and Promtail

Congratulations on successfully setting up Grafana on your local environment! Now, it’s time to creating a dashboard using Grafana with integration of Loki and Promtail In this exciting task, we’ll explore how Grafana enables you to monitor and analyze various components of your se...

Reading and Visualizing PDB Files

Visualizing the structure of biological molecules is crucial for multiple scientific fields, including biology, medicine, energy, drug discovery, and education. Understanding the 3D structure of molecules enables scientists to interpret the molecule’s thermodynamics, kinetics, and geometric pr...

Visualizing Happiness: A Data-Driven Exploration

Hey! I’m Qingyue, an information designer with a passion for data visualization, especially in the field of geospatial systems. Currently, I harness my creativity as a UX/UI designer at Esri, a leading company in the geographical information systems (GIS) industry. When I step away f...

Visualizing Probability Distributions

I was in my high school statistics class. My eyes glazed over. The teacher talked about normal distributions and standard deviations. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon an illustrated book in the library that I saw these concepts in a new light. The book used graphics to show probability distribu...