Tag: Visualisation

Data Visualisation Mind-Map

In the ‘Marks.csv’ file, you can find the scores obtained by 200 students in 4 subjects of a standardised test. The different columns — Score A, Score B, Score C and Score D indicate the score obtained by a particular student in the respectiv...

week 32 | MA Data Visualisation

I have been revisiting Laurie Anderson’s All the Things I Lost in the Flood and John Cage's A Mycological Foray. I have found both these books to be inspiring reference points and help me to step out of my project, and consider new layouts, and the ‘experience of my ou...

Life is the Visualisation of a Dream

What is this Series? I have been a foreigner for nearly ten years. By living this different concept of life, I feel the space and time differently. Life is the Visualisation of a Dream is a photography series that express my first experience of Australia, a place where I still get lost in the ...

How data visualisation can distort our perception of reality

What you see is all there is. Whether you’re looking at a cover of a book, observing a couple arguing in the street, or watching a TV news report, we’re constantly making judgements based on the limited information we have access to. We’re all entitled to perceive the world...

The Evolution of Fashion Design and The Role of 3D Visualisation

The fashion industry in 2023 is navigating through a complex landscape marked by a global slowdown. This downturn can be primarily attributed to macroeconomic factors and wavering consumer confidence. However, despite these hurdles, the industry shows remarkable resilience and adaptability. The key ...