Tag: Uncle

Uncle Sam, Age 65, Raced Through 30 Years of His Life to Hit Retirement. He Got Lost

Uncle Sam isn’t a real Sam. Sam in Cantonese means 3. Uncle Sam is the 3rd brother in his family. We got acquainted when I was younger. Uncle Sam was my direct neighbor. He was a kind man. I played with his children, and our families had dinner(s) together after work. He would routi...

My Uncle David died last week.

He was always my favorite person to see at Thanksgivings and Christmases; back when my parents used to host every year, he and my Aunt Karen would always bring us handmade tree ornaments and postcards from their trips. They loved us so much, and never missed a “happy birthday” card in...

It Is About Time We Give Uncle Luke His Flowers

I recently received a late-night e-mail from the Biden Administration. The e-mail informed me my student loans were forgiven. I wanted to shout my joy out loud, but it was late, and I didn’t want to wake up everyone in my household. So, I reached for my headphones to find some shouting musi...

When ‘Auntie’ and ‘Uncle’ Are Not Actually Related: Decoding Asian Familial Titles

In the American context, ‘Aunt’ and ‘Uncle’ are titles reserved for siblings of our parents or for the partners of those siblings. Clear and simple. In Asian families, however, things are a bit different. Here, ‘Auntie’ and ‘Uncle’ are terms ...

It’s hard to surpass the uncle, did Napoleon’s nephew rebuild the empire and bring prosperity to France?

As a gesture of friendship, Napoleon III always tried to draw closer to Queen Victoria of England diplomatically, and during the 1855 Paris Exposition, he prepared a lavish reception for the queen and provided a high level of attention, and the queen’s doubts about the French emperor were disp...

My Great Uncle Johnny Was an All-Star Wino

I’m Italian. I’ve been around some wine drinkers in my day. I’ve partied with many people who chose wine as their preferred drink. If it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me. I’ve been known to throw down a couple of glasses in an evening. I’ve ev...