My Uncle David died last week.

<p>He was always my favorite person to see at Thanksgivings and Christmases; back when my parents used to host every year, he and my Aunt Karen would always bring us handmade tree ornaments and postcards from their trips.</p> <p>They loved us so much, and never missed a &ldquo;happy birthday&rdquo; card in the mail, even though they didn&rsquo;t have much to give.</p> <p>The last time I saw Uncle David was Thanksgiving of 2019. Just over 4 years ago. It was the last time I heard his raspy, bellowing laugh, and the last time I saw his shiny pirate earring.</p> <p>When my father told me that he had passed away under hospice, I was frozen. Frozen in shock and in grief, but also a feeling that I wouldn&rsquo;t be able to place until days later: anger.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Uncle David