Uncle Sam, Age 65, Raced Through 30 Years of His Life to Hit Retirement. He Got Lost
<p>Uncle Sam isn’t a real <em>Sam</em>. Sam in Cantonese means 3. Uncle Sam is the 3rd brother in his family.</p>
<p>We got acquainted when I was younger. Uncle Sam was my direct neighbor. He was a kind man. I played with his children, and our families had dinner(s) together after work.</p>
<p>He would routinely ruffle my hair and say,</p>
<p><em>“Study hard, work hard, earn money, and retire fast. Lead a good life when you are young!”</em></p>
<p>Today, it seems that he is walking back on his advice.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/change-your-mind/uncle-sam-age-65-raced-through-30-years-of-his-life-to-hit-retirement-he-got-lost-c2f3f2047761"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>