Tag: Ukraine’s

Russian Generals Threaten to 'Withdraw Their Tanks' Over Ukraine’s New Depleted Uranium Ammo

They seem to be upset about the United States sending depleted-uranium anti-tank rounds to Ukraine. What’s the invitation, you ask? Well, it’s quite straightforward: "If Russia has an issue with that, they can withdraw their tanks from Ukraine," declared the anonymous official,...

Peace in Ukraine

Nobody has come out with a workable peace plan for Ukraine except Volodomyr Zelensky. His plan is optimistic, but there are two elements within it that are non-negotiable to ensure a permanent end to violence between the Russian invaders and Ukraine. Ukraine’s territorial integrity must be ...

Ukraine’s Offensive Heats Up

Inthe last week or so, as Western analysts, officials, and observers have been anxiously preoccupied with the sluggish pace of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, the Ukrainians themselves were quite busy, as they bombed an airport in Pskov, and hit Moscow and St. Petersburg, showcasing an expanding a...

Ukraine’s Tooth to Russia’s Tail

Tooth to tail, or T3R, is the ratio is how many men it takes to supply a single soldier involved in combat. This number has varied a lot over time. It depends on many factors — distance to the front, difficulty of crossing the terrain, the type of combat operations taking place, the weather an...

Ukraine’s Urgent First-Aid Crisis

Of the many things you might admire about Ukraine’s president, one stands out. It’s his ability to stay focused in speeches and interviews on his country’s most urgent need: weapons. Volodymyr Zelenskky’s message hasn’t wavered since Russia invaded his country in Feb...