Ukraine’s Tooth to Russia’s Tail

<p>Tooth to tail, or T3R, is the ratio is how many men it takes to supply a single soldier involved in combat. This number has varied a lot over time. It depends on many factors &mdash; distance to the front, difficulty of crossing the terrain, the type of combat operations taking place, the weather and climate of the area, and more. The US Army loves its statistics and bookkeeping, so we have good information on its tooth-to-tail ratio going back to World War I.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*b9A0mG3CZfTQt_EdTz23_w.png" style="height:311px; width:297px" /></p> <p>source: Wikipedia</p> <p>We don&rsquo;t know exactly what this ratio is for Ukraine or Russia, but we can make an educated guess by assigning points to various factors in the equation. I will assign a starting value of 10 to each Army and then add for negative factors and subtract for positive factors since the lower the number; the better it is for the fighting forces. Lower numbers are better.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*41zZGz8DRYHZpHEXhGaMyA.png" style="height:318px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Image by Author, click to ZOOOOOOOOM!!!!</p> <p>If we add all those up, we can see that Ukraine has a very significant advantage, and that list is not all-inclusive. I will think up things I should have added before I finish this article, no doubt. And there it is &mdash; I forgot one. Russia has one big advantage that Ukraine doesn&rsquo;t have regarding logistics &mdash; Russia doesn&rsquo;t care if their troops starve or have to drink contaminated water and contract dysentery, so they don&rsquo;t need to ship as much food or water. Come to think of it that might not be such a big advantage after all. But what does it all mean?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>