Russian Generals Threaten to 'Withdraw Their Tanks' Over Ukraine’s New Depleted Uranium Ammo

<p>They seem to be upset about the United States sending depleted-uranium anti-tank rounds to Ukraine. What&rsquo;s the invitation, you ask? Well, it&rsquo;s quite straightforward: &quot;If Russia has an issue with that, they can withdraw their tanks from Ukraine,&quot; declared the anonymous official, leaving us all in awe of their diplomatic prowess.</p> <p>The US decision to send Ukraine these tank rounds, made from the radioactive element, depleted uranium, has stirred the international pot. Russia, always the voice of reason and decorum, responded with fury. They called the move an &quot;indicator of inhumanity.&quot; Because, apparently, when it comes to arms sales, humanity prefers the &quot;untainted&quot; variety.</p> <p>Our brilliant US official had another nugget of wisdom to share. They suggested that Russia&#39;s main concern might be its reluctance to see Ukraine armed with tanks and, heaven forbid, more effective tank rounds that could potentially wreak havoc on Russian armor. Yes, it appears Russia is worried that Ukraine might become competent in the fine art of tank warfare.</p> <p>The ammunition in question is designed for American-made M1 Abrams tanks. These tanks aren&#39;t in Ukraine yet, mind you. These rounds boast the impressive ability to penetrate armor and ignite the insides of vehicles, turning armored tanks into fiery torches of regret. It&#39;s almost as if they were designed for a purpose, like, say, deterring aggression or protecting a nation&#39;s sovereignty.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>