Tag: Two

Edinburgh — the Tale of Two Cities

On Saturday morning, we left Glencoe for Edinburgh. It had been raining all day on Friday, ending our lucky spell of eight days of perfect sunshine. Rain just stopped long enough in the morning for us to put our luggage in the car and take a few photos of the surrounding hills. The drive to Edinb...

E-trail of Two Cities

JCatz is a virtual band, a hodgepodge of musical friends, a folk-rock experiment, and a brainstorm concocted out of a post-run pitcher of brew shared by my niece Jordan Cherry and me a few years ago at NYC’s Dive Bar 96. There we knocked about ideas about creating an album with friends, and...

A Tale of Two Sages

I can hear the sound of lonesome insects whizzing and chirping in the hot Spring air. Away from the hordes and crowds, it seems as if they are a chanting chorus for the dead. I look down at my feet and wonder if it’s possible to hide my shoes within the folds of the grey robe that I’m we...

Two Words That Create Your Reality

I just got cast in an independent movie. My years on this earth have been punctuated with stage performances, a handful of commercials, a few stints of stand-up, and lots of voiceover work. Within those years, I struggled mentally with imposter syndrome: Who the heck did I think I was to sta...

A Tale of Two Theories That Took 2 Decades to Come Together

If you ask a school-going kid in present day about what happened to dinosaurs, they’ll tell you that dinosaurs went extinct because an asteroid hit the Earth millions of years ago. If you asked the same question to a kid in 1960s-80s they wouldn’t have an answer. This is because the scie...