E-trail of Two Cities

<p>J<em>Catz is a virtual band, a hodgepodge of musical friends, a folk-rock experiment, and a brainstorm concocted out of a post-run pitcher of brew shared by my niece Jordan Cherry and me a few years ago at NYC&rsquo;s Dive Bar 96.</em></p> <p><em>There we knocked about ideas about creating an album with friends, and soon we came up with the name J Catz (a play-on-words with our initials) and an album concept &mdash; &ldquo;Can&rsquo;t We All Just Go Dutch?&rdquo; with a Simsonsied painting of Van Gogh backed with an ear to match &mdash; and we recruited my daughter Julia, who shares the JC pedigree, for visual art and vocals. (It was a tall pitcher. Maybe two.)</em></p> <p><a href="https://jackcrager.medium.com/e-trail-of-two-cities-9e5d31765409"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Two Cities