Edinburgh — the Tale of Two Cities

<p>On Saturday morning, we left Glencoe for Edinburgh. It had been raining all day on Friday, ending our lucky spell of eight days of perfect sunshine. Rain just stopped long enough in the morning for us to put our luggage in the car and take a few photos of the surrounding hills.</p> <p>The drive to Edinburgh was beautiful. As soon as we left Glencoe, we were greeted by lush green valleys, hills with countless waterfalls, and green-carpeted pastures dotted with white sheep. At one place, water was gushing out from the earth, a natural spring. At other places, lakes would appear out of nowhere.</p> <p>There were several stops to admire the view, but we resisted at most of them. The car we hired was due for return at mid-day, and if we stopped frequently, we wouldn&rsquo;t have made it in time.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/world-travelers-blog/edinburgh-the-tale-of-two-cities-fbb005f8d24b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Two Cities